Friday, May 15, 2020

Why Minimum Wage Be Changed - 2585 Words

Intro (1) Intro should fed min wage be changed? The idea to raise the US FMW has been gaining traction in recent years. While some states and cities taken it upon themselves to enact legislation to raise minimum wage in their jurisdictions, to raise it across the entire country is a different debate. In this paper I will provide history pertaining to when and why minimum wage came to be in the US. ... Background info (4) 1: The federal minimum wage was established in 1938 as a part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA established a number of constraints regarding labor including minimum wage, maximum work week, lowest employee age of 14, and other regulations. The federal minimum wage was â€Å"first established during the Depression, and it has risen from 25 cents to $7.25 per hour since† (Wihbey 1). The FLSA was established to protect the citizens and ensure a safe and fair workplace. Minimum wage was specifically included in the FLSA to ensure that employees would not be unfairly working for incredibly low wages. When minimum wage was first introduced to the US, it was determined to be â€Å"unconstitutional† in a court case. Since then, the wage has been adjusted for inflation about every 10 years. 2: The current federal minimum wage is $7.25. The last change to this wage was in 2009, when it was raised by $2.10, from the past wage of $5.15 per hour. However, there are some different laws relating to minimum wage. One of these laws is that â€Å"workers whoseShow MoreRelatedHistory of Minimum Wage1137 Words   |  5 Pagesdefinition of Minimum Wage is â€Å"an amount of money that is the least amount of money per hour that workers must be paid according to the law† (Minimum wage). Minimum wage, like other laws, are used to keep the economy in line. 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