Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Dishonesty in the law of crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Dishonesty in the law of crime - Essay Example This research aims to evaluate and present dishonesty in the law of crime. a defendant can be deemed to have acted dishonestly if he knows that his doing is dishonest from the perspective of ordinary people. The use of this criterion, whereby honesty is determined by the standards of honest and reasonable people, can be criticised since it can lead to inconsistency given that various juries can reach different decisions on similar cases. Williams states that given the low levels of self-discipline that is prevailing in the society, he advises that the query of dishonesty should not be left to the jury. Therefore, the ghosh test has its basis on the assumption that there is a single standard of honesty that is universal and members of the society that are thinking right are the ones who hold it. This standard is seen to be so high that it can place a line between what is honest and what is unlawful (dishonest). The satisfactory and workable test about dishonesty should specify when co nduct is to be viewed as dishonest. Conduct should be viewed as dishonest if the one finding facts decides that reasonable and ordinary people would view the conduct as dishonest. This test is a fully objective assessment of dishonesty that is criminal and it contradicts the ghosh test to some extent, but it retains a little reference to the ordinary standards of the community. An individual is guilty of theft if he appropriates another person’s property dishonestly and intends to keep it away from him or her permanently. (Clarkson 87). It is not material whether this appropriation takes place for the gain of the thief. This act does not give the definition of dishonesty; instead, it only gives some specific situations where an individual is considered as not dishonest (Williams and Waller 157). The Ghosh Test of Dishonesty This is the current test for dishonesty, it is a test brought forward by the court of appeal, and is a two-stage objective/substantive test (Molan 17). Th is test is somewhat good because the decision as to whether the accused is guilty or not is left for the jury. The ghosh test has a number of criticisms because in this world there is no single standard of honesty held by the reasonable people of the society. Justices Toohey and Gaudron also criticised Ghosh as having practical problems. They also felt that, not all offences involving dishonesty were similar (Haplin 97). Subsequently, there is a need for the judge conducting the trial to stipulate the clear explicit meaning of dishonest to the jury. This is a peculiar test for dishonest

Monday, October 28, 2019

The pioneer experiences Essay Example for Free

The pioneer experiences Essay The western migration of the mid-nineteenth century was a time of uncertainty for America.   It was also a time of excitement because of the new adventures that awaited Americans.   Although western migration was difficult, many chose to undertake it because they wanted a new life, riches, and a chance to own their own land.   There was also a religious aspect, as some people moved to be missionaries to the Native Americans and to form new churches and religions. The pioneer experiences of men and women differed in several ways.    This is evidenced by the writings of Lydia Allen Rudd and Elizabeth Dixon Smith Geer.   Elizabeth talked about constant rain and carrying two children through the mud and water.   She also talked about looking for shelter for her sick husband and watching him deteriorate.   She also writes about how the children had great responsibilities such as driving cattle and oxen. Elizabeth talks incessantly of the impossibility of cooking or staying warm and dry.   Much of this has to do with when she and her family chose to travel.   She also writes that with her husband ill, â€Å"the whole care of everything falls upon [her] shoulders (Geer 1847).† This contrasts sharply with Lydia Allen Rudd.   Though in her account there is rain, she remains upbeat, sharing the soaring vistas and her experiences with the Native Americans.   All is not grand, however.   She speaks of seeing the graves of men and women having died of measles and cholera.   Her diary tells of reaching Salem, Oregon, and also Burlington.   There, they are successful in finding both employment and housing for the winter (1852). Men, on the other hand, saw much more violence in their lives.   In looking at Edward Gould Buffum’s account of life in the gold mines, he tells of the â€Å"trial† of five men who were consequently lashed, and three of those men who were tried for attempted murder and robbery.   A jury found the men guilty. Buffum notes that â€Å"the charges against them were well substantiated, but amounted to nothing more than an attempt at robbery and murder; no overt act being even alleged (1850).†Ã‚   The sentence was death by hanging, and they were hanged that very day.   Such was frontier justice.   Buffum even protested against the mens’ death sentence, but stopped when the mob threatened to hang him. Government played a huge role in encouraging and supporting westward migration.   This was accomplished by the Homestead Act of 1862.   It took affect on the first of January of 1863.   It gave anyone twenty one or older who is a citizen or intended to become a citizen, and â€Å"who had never borne arms against the United States Government or given aid and comfort to its enemies† entitlement to land at $1.25 per acre, so long as the claim did not exceed a hundred sixty acres. The only thing the person had to do was swear out an affidavit that they were the head of household, or is twenty one, or given service in the US armed forces, never borne arms against the US and never given aid or comfort to its enemies.   The person also had to hold the land for five years. The idea of Manifest Destiny fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers.   Though the road was tough, the rewards were great, as many people made their fortunes in the west.   Manifest Destiny, or the idea that America had a God-given right to all of North America did fit in well with the actual experiences of the pioneers.   It did not, however, respect the culture of the Native Americans.   Native Americans were forced to move from ancestral lands, and some began to assimilate.   This was largely due to the amount of missionaries that moved from the east to Oregon. Their goal was to â€Å"civilize† the â€Å"savage† Native Americans.There was, however, a place where the Americans and the Native Americans came together without argument.   That place was called Middle Ground.   It was a place where Native Americans and Americans came together for trade.   Manifest Destiny also affected communications.   Mail traveled over a route known as the Butterfield Trail. This trail between Saint Louis and SanFrancisco took two weeks for mail to travel it.   This helped to foster the development of the Pony Express.   It ran for eighteen months and used relays of young riders to move mail slightly faster than traditional mail.   Many went to Oregon and California to seek their fortunes and establish new lives. Sometimes, this involved religious differences.   The Mormons for example, moved because they were not accepted in either New York or Illinois.   In the two female accounts that were discussed, the women moved with their families to seek a new life in Oregon.   In the account of Edward Gould Buffum, he had spent six months in the California gold mines. Even Horace Greely got into the idea of Manifest Destiny, advocating for a transcontinental railroad as a way to facilitate communication and transportation to the new territories.   He also talks about the need for education and â€Å"virtuous women (Greely, 1860).†    Additionally, he discusses the need for the families of the men in California to have their families.   He feels settlement would again be facilitated by a transcontinental railroad.   Families would move with their men, and more families would be willing to move out west on the comfort of the trains, rather than take the wagon trains through the uncertain weather.   The growth of towns showed that people were taking the idea of Manifest Destiny seriously.   The mass migration of immigrants to California numbered 80,000, and the city of San Francisco grew from 848 to an astonishing 60,000. The pioneer experiences and Manifest Destiny walked hand in hand through history.   Manifest Destiny’s goal of taking over the continent combined with the curiosity of the American Pioneer.   Their experiences helped forever shape the new America.   The United States Government helped by passing the Homestead Act, which encouraged people to settle in the new territories.   Though their experiences were different, collectively, men and women helped shape a new America full of new challenges and new rewards. Bibliography 37th Congress, Homestead Act of 1862. 1862.,11867,3125072- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Bauer, William J.. Dismantling Indian Country in the Nineteenth Century. History: Reviews of New Books 36, no. 2 (2008): 49-52. Buffum, Edward. Six Months in the Gold Mines. 1850.,11867,3124634- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Geer, Elizabeth. Journal. 1847. 1848.,11867,3124638- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Graulich, Melody. Review of West of Emerson: The Design of Manifest Destiny. Amercan   Literature 76, no. 3 (2004): 617-619. Greely, Horace. An Overland Journey. 1860.,11867,3124701- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). OSullivan, John. The Great Nation of Futurity.,11867,3124755- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009). Rudd, Lydia. Diary of Westward Travel 1852. 1852.,11867,3124798- content,00.html (accessed March 8, 2009).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Intrinsic motivation Essay -- essays papers

Intrinsic motivation Young children are compelled to learn because of their natural curiosity in life. Older children seem to need a push in the direction to learn. This describes the two types of motivation. Intrinsic motivation describes the young child. It is motivation from within and the desire someone feels to complete a task, including natural curiosity. Intrinsic motivation is anything we do to motivate ourselves without rewards from an outside source. â€Å"In relation to learning, one is compelled to learn by a motive to understand, originating from their own curiosity† (Rehmke-Ribary, 2003 p.intrinsic). There are different things a teacher can do to trigger this type of motivation in students. â€Å"Some examples of intrinsic rewards are task completion, feedback or result, acquisition of knowledge or skills, and a sense of mastery† (Witzel, 2003 p.88). When intrinsic motivation is mastered in a student, extrinsic motivation becomes null. This student will now be motivated to do things for his or herself without the presence of a tangible reward. This child will have much hope for success in the future. Extrinsic motivation When a student needs that extra boost to do well in school, many times this student becomes engaged for a tangible reward of some type. This describes extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is the will to do something based on encouragement from an outside source. This type of motivation is said to not be productive for the future. Many times, teachers use extrinsic motivation in the classroom. It may be productive for that class, but the student will continue to have problems with motivation in the future. When a child completes a task or behavior based solely on a reward, t... .../cet/TAs/nuggets/sec2_4.html Nancy E. Perry, Karen O. VandeKamp, Louise K. Mercer, Carla J. Nordby. Investigating Teacher-Student Interactions That Foster Self-Regulated Learning. Educational Psychologist, Volume 37, Number 1 (March 1, 2002) Retrieved from the web on May 5, 2003 Tubman, Jonathan G. The Influence of Parental and Peer Attachment On College Students’ Academic Achievement. Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 39(5), 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Published online in Wiley InterScience. Retrieved from the web on May 5, 2003 at Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online. 2003. Retrieved from the web on May 5, 2003 at

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comprehensive Study on Banks Essay

Every business needs funds for two purposes for its establishment and to carry out its day-to-day operations. Long terms funds are required to create production facilities through purchase of fixed assets such as plant and machinery, land, building, etc. Investments in these assets represent that part of firm’s capital which is blocked on permanent or fixed basis and is called fixed capital. Funds are also needed for short-term purpose for the purchase of raw material, payment of wages and other day-to-day expenses etc. These funds are known as working capital. In simple terms, working capital refers to that part of the firm’s capital which is required for financing short-term of current assets such as cash, marketable securities, debtors & inventories. Funds, thus, invested in current assets keep revolving fast and are being constantly converted into cash and this cash flow out again in exchange for other current assets. Hence, it is also known as revolving or circulat ing capital or short term capital. 1) Jeng-Ren, C. & Cheng, L. (2006) in their article, â€Å"Determinants of working capital† investigate the determinants of working capital management. This study investigates the relation of business indicator and management of short-term capital from the perspective of a firm’s working capital management, which traditionally is rated by current ratio, quick ratio, and net working capital.The authors have used net liquid balance and working capital requirements as measures of a company’s working capital management. Results indicate that the debt ratio and operating cash flow affect the company’s working capital management, and how it influences the business cycle, industry effect, growth of the company, performance of the company and firm size. From the data it can be seen that companies could maintain relatively loose capital management during the prosperous period (1999-2000), when capital was readily available in the market. When the economy slumped dramatically at the end of 2000, financial institutions began to tighten their capital policies, forcing companies to gradually operate a looser policy in workin g capital management. The regression results show the company has to operate a looser working capital management policy in times of recession, as it is not easy to raise capital from outside the firm, so more liquid assets are kept to maintain a relatively higher NLB. The authors conclude that debt ratio and operating cash flow evaluated by both WCR and NLB exert influence on working capital management. 2) Harris, A. (2005) conducted a study â€Å"Working capital management: difficult, but rewarding†. It focuses on the different requirements and the important role that human beings play in the working capital management process. There are various important steps that need to be met in order for them to manage their short term needs primiarily. The author compares Working Capital Management in theory and practice. Internal considerations – such as organizational structure, shared systems, autonomous business units, multinational operations and even information technology can impact working ca pital. The author also stresses on the importance of proper forecasting for efficient Working Capital Management. 3) Filbeck, G. & Krueger, T. (2005) in their article, â€Å"An Analysis of Working Capital Management Results Across Industries,† find that all industries use different modes of working capital managament techniques for their functioning. Even their techniques change over time. Industry factors may impact firm credit policy, inventory management, and bill-paying activities. Some firms may be better suited to minimize receivables and inventory, while others maximize payables. Given everything the importance of working capital cannot be ignored and its reticfication to cope with the changing environment should be the main focus of the company. 4) Pimplapure, V. & Kulkarni, P. (2011) conducted a study, â€Å"Working Capital Management: Impact of Profitability†. A firm can be very profitable, but if this is not rendered into cash from operations within the same operating cycle, the firm would need to borrow to support its continued working capital needs. For this study various statistical tools such as correlation and multiple regressions can be used. These tools are used to understand the direct impact of working capital on the profitablity of the firm. 5) Erasmus, P. (2010) in his article, â€Å"Working capital management and profitability: The relationship between the net trade cycle and return on assets,† states that, efficient working capital management should contribute to the creation of shareholder value. This study investigates the relationship between working capital management and firm profitability. Based on the results of the study done in this article, it would appear that management could attempt to improve firm profitability by decreasing the overall investment in net working capital. There is an indirect relationship between the two this is also proved in the article, â€Å"Working Capital Management: Impact of Profitability.† Regarding the normal operations of a firm, working capital management attracts less attention than capital budget and capital structure in financial management. Working capital management relates to the source and application of short-term capital. When working capital is managed improperly, allocating more than enough of it will render management non-efficient and reduce the benefits of short-term investment. On the other hand, if working capital is too low, the company may miss profitable investment opportunities or suffer short-term liquidity crises, leading to degradation of company credit, as it cannot respond effectively to temporary capital requirements. We cannot dimiss the importance of the working capital management in the working of a successful enterprise. 6) Singh, P. (2008) conducted a study titled, â€Å"Inventory and Working Capital Management: An Empirical Analysis†. The importance of working capital management is due to two reasons: (i) a substantial portion of the investment is invested in current assets, and (ii) level of current assets will change quickly, with the variation in sales. Hence, in this study, an attempt has been made to analyze the size and composition of working capital and whether such an investment has increased or declined over a period. We need to first determine the requirement of current assets, one of the important tasks of the financial manager is to select a group of appropriate sources of finance for the current assets. Normally, the excess of current assets over current liabilities should be financed by the long-term sources. It is not possible to find out precisely which long-term sources has been used to finance current assets, but it can be examined as to what proportion of current assets has been financed by long-term funds. Therefore, this article tries to carry out a study in this regard. Inventory is one of the major components of current assets, which requires huge investments. The main purpose of carrying inventory is to uncouple the operation, to make each function of the firm independent of the other functions, so that delay in one area does not affect the production and sales activities. As the shutting down of the production results in increased costs and delay in the delivery can result in loosing the customers, inventory management assumes significance in any firm and it is of great concern to any financial manager. Any firm would like to hold higher inventory. This will enable the firm to be more flexible in supply and find ease in its production schedule. Most of the customers may require immediate help in meeting their demands. However, there is always a cost involved in the inventories. This cost includes the capital cost of the stock and the cost of storing and carrying. Inventories are the assets of the firm and as such, they represent an investment. As such investments require a commitment of funds, managers must ensure that the firm maintains inventories at the correct level. If they become too large, the firm loses the opportunities to employ those funds more effectively. Similarly, if they are too small, the firm may lose sales. Therefore, it is better to maintain an optimum level of inventories that is needed in an organization. While analyzing working capital, it is important to analyze the various components of working capital especially inventory, because inventory is one of the major components and is nearly 50% of the current assets. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the size of inventory and the impact on working capital management. 7) Lifland, S. (2010) in his article, â€Å"The Corporate Soap-Opera, As the Cash Turns: Management of Working Capital and Potential External Financing Needs† finds that firms that efficiently manage their working capital are characterized as having increasing asset turnover ratios and decreasing days of receivables and inventories over the years, are ‘freeing up’ capital. Corporations use these ‘found’ funds to improve their supply chains, corporate logistics, and payment systems. The Days of the Working Capital Cycle represents the average number of days that cash must be committed to the management of a company’s working capital needs. A decline in the ratio translates into the firm’s ability to improve its inflows and management of cash. The existence and maintenance of working capital is the lifeblood of a corporation. It is the cash flow that revitalizes operations or slows it down to inoperable levels. Regardless of the size of th e company, the management of working capital accounts should influence its financial health. Kargar and Blumenthal (1994) found that small businesses were significantly impacted by management’s ability to successfully plan the cash requirements of the firm. Managers need to monitor the ratio of total working capital to total company assets, as a relatively high figure can signal future strains on the operational financial health of the firm. 8) Kelleher, J. & MacCormack, J. (2005) consider the complexity of considering the internal rate of return (IRR) on capital projects. A survey was conducted by the management consulting firm McKinsey & Co. This study asked 30 executives about the risks of this practice, They were surprised to find that only six were aware of IRR’s deficiencies. The article defines the risks IRR poses to capital budget management, considers the use of modified internal rate of return. IRR is a true indication of a project’s annual return on investment only when the project generates no interim cash flows — or when those interim cash flows really can be invested at the actual IRR. 9) Etiennot, H. & Preve, L. (2012) in their study, â€Å"Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study.† found that Working capital management is an issue in which finance research is scarce. One possible reason behind this fact might relate to the relative ease with which efficient financial markets correct deviations from optimal working capital policies. However, in less efficient financial markets, pervasive among emerging economies, working capital management is critical for both firms ‘ performance and survival. The difference in the market’s ability for providing immediate assistance to firms might explain the differential consequences on firms’ profitability and financial distress. This article explains the fundamentals of working capital management, the importance of its interaction with financial markets, and how this interaction might explain working capital patterns around the world and in the various successful organizations that use it. 10) Singh, J. & Pandey, S. (2008) conducted a study, â€Å"Impact of Working Capital Management in the Profitability of Hindalco Industries Limited.† For any successful working of any business organization, fixed and current assets play a vital role. Management of working capital is essential as it has a direct impact on profitability and liquidity. This is a study of the working capital components and the impact of working capital management on profitability of Hindalco Industries Limited. The study is based on secondary data collected from annual reports of Hindalco for the study period 1990 to 2007. The ratio analysis, percentage method and coefficient of correlation have been used to analyze the data. The current assets of Hindalco witnessed a steady growth over the past years which were 40 times more in 2007 in comparison to that of 1990. Inventory and loans and advances mainly supported this increase. The study also shows that the contribution of long term source in working capital is below 30% in all the study period. This study effectively showed that working capital has a big impact on the profitability of the firm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis or Current Ethical Dilemma in Health Care

There are many types of ethical dilemmas that plague the medical field but never is a dilemma more important than when dealing with life and death. In situations such as these, one must follow their own moral compass. When the case involves an entire hospital going against their religious mandates for the life of a woman, the decision becomes that much more difficult. This paper will analyze the situation one Phoenix hospital found themselves in and the repercussions it suffered because of it decision. St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona is a hospital internationally recognized for their neurology department. They have treated high profile patients such as Brett Michaels and Muhammad Ali, but neither has gained the hospital quite the publicity as a woman seeking treatment in November 2009. Alongside neurology, St. Joseph’s Hospital also has a noted obstetrics department and this is where the woman was treated. In late November 2009, a terminally ill woman came to the obstetrics unit suffering from pulmonary hypertension. She was 11 weeks pregnant. During the course of diagnosis, it was found that the pregnancy was exacerbating her illness by worsening her hypertension to the point of placing the patient in immediate danger of death. Doctors determined the only course of action to save the woman was to abort her pregnancy. With St. Joseph’s being a Catholic hospital, this decision went against their guidelines. The decision was taken before an ethics committee which decided to proceed with the procedure. The rationale for the committee’s choice was that they were seeking specifically â€Å"to save the woman’s life, not to end the pregnancy. (Clancy, 2010, p. 1) As a result of performing the procedure, the hospital was stripped of its Catholic status. The problem identified in this situation can be posed in one question; does the religious affiliation of a hospital have the right to dictate the care of a patient? Had the ethics committee gone the other way and decided not to abort the pregnancy, this would have prohibited the woman’s right to live. One should take into account that the patient sought treatment at a Catholic hospital and she should have been aware of their belief system. However one doesn’t know if the patient came to this specific hospital because of its Catholic mission or whether she had no choice in the matter. In either case, is it not a hospitals first duty to provide the best care possible for their patients? The best care for this patient was to abort her pregnancy but the guidelines of the hospital would rather have seen the patient die trying to save both. My personal values and ethical position in this case lead me to side with the hospital. I have always been a proponent of the pro-life ideal and this instance is no exception. The principles I advocate for the strongest are respect for the patients autonomy and beneficence. Keeping these principles in mind, the patient made an informed decision about her care and the hospital needed to respect that decision. As far as beneficence, the cost to benefit ratio was analyzed and a conclusion was reached that benefited the patient most. Utilitarianism is a theory I would apply to this case. Doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of people and saving those you can save. Sometimes the end does justify the means. This not to say that religion plays no part in treating patients, but it is my firm belief that if the Catholic guidelines had prohibited the patient to receive the abortion, two lives would have been lost. When making a serious choice in a case like this, it is important to factor in alternate resolutions. The first alternate resolution is the most obvious and would have had the highest priority; transfer the patient to a facility that has no abortion restrictions. This would have been the best case scenario; however the patient was not stable enough to be relocated and may have died in transit. Another alternate decision would have been to attempt to wait out the patient’s condition and treat her medically. Do to patient confidentiality, the specifics of the patient’s condition are not known. Based on the testimony of doctors at St. Joseph’s, the woman was in critical condition and had this approach been followed, the consequences would have been fatal to both mother and child. This information makes medical management the lowest in alternative priority. When faced with difficult ethical dilemmas, it is best to have a plan of action to assist in decision-making. A step by step approach often works best because it allows the decider to breakdown a stressful choice into workable parts. First one must identify the problem and ask the appropriate questions: What? Who? How? The second step is to identify one’s own personal values toward the dilemma. The third, fourth and fifth steps include coming up with reasonable alternative, examining them and then predicting the possible outcomes of those decisions. In the sixth step, one should prioritize the alternative choices to better identify the most acceptable one. The seventh step is where the final decision is made based on all the information gathered and a plan is created. The plan is then implemented in the eighth step. The final ninth step is when one evaluates the end result and determines if the decision made was the right thing. In evaluation of this particular ethical dilemma, the right thing was done. The decision to forsake the values of Catholicism to save the woman’s life was the right thing to do. The hospital agrees and therefore lost its Catholic status because they stated that they would have made the same choice again. (Kurtz, 2010) Dealing with ethics can be a tricky thing to navigate which is why it is paramount to have a good sense of one’s own moral compass. This is not the last dilemma this hospital will face but following solid ethical values and principles, they should feel confident in their ability to provide the best care to the patients they treat.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Military Aircraft Essays - Stealth Aircraft, Monoplanes, Free Essays

Military Aircraft Essays - Stealth Aircraft, Monoplanes, Free Essays Military Aircraft Thesis: Military aircraft has become more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special maneuvering techniques in recent years. Military aircraft has become more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special maneuvering techniques in recent years. With the advance of stealth technology, many new and very effective aircraft have been developed. The F-117A was used during Operation Dessert Storm and every plane came back without a scratch. The very expensive B-2 stealth bomber has never been used in actual war, but during testing it was a success. The Advanced Tactical Fighter program was started to make an aircraft that could supercruise, the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, and didn't cost very much. The YF-22 and YF-23 were the first planes to accomplish this. With all the planes we know of, there are also top secret programs probably going on right now. A new fighter that has never been heard of before has been spotted. As John Welch, the assistant secretary of Air Force said, "Stealth gives us back that fundamental element of war called surprise" (Goodall 9). After it was found that aircraft could be very useful in war, it was used for large scale reconnaissance. Then people started to add bombs to aircraft and then airplanes started to become an essence of war. After World War 2, new bombers were developed with fast speed, and could travel far distances. They could also carry nuclear bombs and missiles. The use of the bomber aircraft then led to the fighter, which was equipped with guns and missiles. Helicopters were also found to be good strike aircraft. They were armed with cannons, machine guns, rockets, torpedoes, and a variety of missiles. Vertical takeoff made the helicopter an advantage. The first flight of the F-117A was in June of 1981 in Groom Lake test facility. The total cost for the development of the F-117A was just under two billion dollars, but it only cost $43 million to make each plane. It became operational in October of 1983 and was the first operational stealth aircraft ever built. The F-117A is a night attack plane powered by two, nonafterburning General Electric engines. F-117As were designed for first-strike capabilities and to be able to fly into any countries airspace undetected. The primary task of the F-117A is to break through enemy airspace, destroy high value targets, and return back unharmed. They were considered to first be used in several different tasks, but weren't used until Operation Dessert Storm where they did an excellent job. As Donald Rice, Secretary of the Air Force, said, "Everyone now agrees the F-117 was a real bargain" (9). During Operation Dessert Storm the F-117As were found out to be very successful. The war began on January 16, 1991 when the F-117A fighters entered the Iraqi airspace on their way to downtown Baghdad. There were 43 of them over the skies of Iraq and not one was lost even though they went against one of the most modern air-defense systems in the world. Operation Dessert Storm was the largest aerial bombing attack in war history. It was also the first time a stealth aircraft was used as a main weapon. On the first day of Desert Storm the Lockheed F-117As dropped sixty-two 2,000 pound bombs on Baghdad destroying the most critical targets of the Iraqi military, including the headquarters of the Iraqi air force. "We've seen that not only does stealth work, but that it puts fewer assets at risk and saves lives" (9), as Donald Rice said. The pilots of those F-117As flew through the hardest anti-aircraft missiles any pilot has ever flown through. When you think of stealth, most people probably think of B-2 stealth bomber, but most people don't realize that it hasn't even been used in a real war situation yet. In November of 1987 the Pentagon ordered the first four B-2s to be built for $2 billion. Each B-2 cost $437.4 million to build. After the military liked the bomber, they originally ordered 133 of them, then they cut back to 75 because of the deficit-reduction bill. Then, in 1992, the House of Representatives voted to buy only twenty, and later only 15 saying that 10 would be enough. With four General Electric

Monday, October 21, 2019

Raj Ram Mohan Roy vs.Dayanand essays

Raj Ram Mohan Roy vs.Dayanand essays Raja Ram Mohan Roy vs. Swami Dayanand Saraswati Hindu Renaissance, which is referred to as a religious and political movement, is closely related to a burgeoning Indian Nationalism. Hindu revivalism is of vital importance in the development of Hinduism as a world religion. The Hindu Renaissance had a tendency to play down the difference between theological traditions and to regulate ritual level, below the ethical spirituality of the Upanishads and the Gita. Hindu reform movement developed to restore the perceived greatness of Hinduisms ancient past, to adopt rationalist elements form within Christianity, and to pay particular attention to social and ethical concerns. The leaders of Hindu renaissance like Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Dayanand Saraswati played an important role in the awakening of social and religious reforms. Raja Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833) was born of a distinguished Brahmin family in Bengal. He was educated at the Muslim University at Patna where he studied Arabic and Persian philosophical literature. He also studied Sanskrit in Varanasi, as well as English, Hebrew and Greek with a view to translating Bible into Bengali. Because of the Muslim influence, particularly Sufi, Roy was a strong dislike of image worship. After liberal education Roy entered the service of East India Company and rose to high office. Dayanand Saraswati (1824-1883) was born in Saurashtra in Gujarat to a Saiva Brahman family. He lost his faith in the Saiva religion of image worship, when he saw mice climbing over the temple icon, eating the food which had been offered to the deity. Roy was a more influenced by the Islamic and Christian cultures. He opposed Sanskrit education and considered it as a waste of resources. He promoted English and Science education. While Dayanand Saraswati supported Sanskrit education as the symbol of Indias great past and Hindi education as the symbol of nationalism. The main philosophical influences ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Most Effective Way of Picking Up Expository Essay

Most Effective Way of Picking Up Expository Essay Expository Essay Topics for School and College Starting from high school, students deal with many types of essays. In fact, there are so many types of writing assignments that even an experienced student can get confused to tell them apart. Teachers are trying to assign different types of writing tasks to introduce their students to various essay types. However, it’s quite difficult to combine the task with regular tests, student’s projects, practical lessons and tons of work that almost every student has. That’s why we decided to create a helpful guide to help students with creating their excellent expository essay one of the most common types of writing the assignment. Traps and Pitfalls of Writing an Expository Essay Writing an expository essay is not a very difficult task. You can easily cope with it if you know some main principles and basic rules of writing an essay. However, what you shall start with is understanding of how this type of essays differs from others. The hidden danger that becomes a reason that so many students get lower marks for their expository essay is a similarity of expository and narrative essays. Many students can’t tell two of these types apart and write both of them in the same way. That is not really correct. However, it’s easy to improve! There are two key words that can easily show you the difference between these essay types: TELL narrative essay In this case, all you have to do is to tell your reader about an idea, object, event or situation. Your task is to inform your target audience about something. EXPLAIN expository essay Dealing with an expository essay, you have to write an explanation of something. Your task is not only to introduce a topic to your reader but also to explain some statement or your point of view. You can even provide some instructions to your target audience or teach your readers about something. Basic Ideas for Expository Essays An expository essay is aimed at giving your readers some basic understanding of what the discussed object is, how to do something or how something is done. While there’s a great diversity of topics, you shall start with deciding on the subtype of your expository essay. The most common variants of expository essays are: Definition Exposition definition essay gives a detailed explanation of something. It reveals some main concepts of the topic, including a description of the most important features of the discussed subject. The main question that essay answers is â€Å"What is it?† Process This type of expository essays explains the process of creating something. At the same time, there are two possible variants of an expository process essay. It can be a type of instruction that gives an idea of how to do something to your reader. Or it also can be an explanation of the process of producing some certain things. For example, a detailed explanation of how a LED-lamp is made without an offer to make it on your own. Classification The type of essays speaks about certain features of a subject or phenomena that allow determining the class or type it belongs to. The explanation may also include some general information about the possible classes and types. Compare and contrast This type of expository essays includes a comparison between two objects that will help to attract a reader’s attention to certain features of one or both of the objects. Often, the contrast is the best way to discuss some small but important features of a thing. Cause and effect Often we accept a phenomenon or an object as a whole, without understanding its causes and the effects it can make on other objects. Cause and effect expository essay throws some light on complex concepts, letting your readers see the complex process and the chain that leads to the final result. How to Recognize an Expository Essay by Its Topic Expository essays may refer to many topics and themes. However, there’s always a way to know that the essay is an expository one, right after reading its topic. What are that special features that help to recognize expository essays between others: Signal words. There are special words that express the main function of the essays and help you to understand which type of paper it is: describe, define, explain, etc. Guidelines or instructions. If the topic sounds like a name of tutorial or instruction, the essay is probably an expository one. Important Features of the Expository Essay Topics Often teachers give an expository essay topic that you have to work with. However, sometimes students are allowed to choose a topic on their own. This is a great chance to express your knowledge and creative thinking. However, to choose a topic that allows you to express your knowledge and writing talent, you shall understand which features the topic shall have: The theme will be interesting to you and to your target auditory. If you choose a popular topic that doesn’t attract you and doesn’t reflect your interest, you may feel a lack of motivation to work with it. In opposite, if you rely on your personal interests only, your essay may sound not interesting to others. That’s why it’s very important to find a good compromise and to stop your search on a topic that will be interesting both to you and to your readers. The topic shall be complicated enough to require explanation. If you choose an easy topic and start to explain concepts that are known for everyone, it may sound silly. That’s why it’s important to search for a complicated and complex theme that needs more explanation and description. The topic shall reflect your academic knowledge. If you study in school, your topic may sound less complicated than if you study in college or uni. It’s important to choose the theme that is attractive and understandable to your classmates or group mates and, at the same time, allows you to express the knowledge you have. The topic shall correspond to your academic field and subject. If you study literature, your essay shall be connected to the field. If you are a medical student, it’s necessary to write about health issues. Your teacher may also ask you to write on a different theme, in that case, an essay topic can be different from the main subject and the field of your study. There shall be enough information about the topic. Before making a final decision about a topic, check if there’re enough information sources you can work with. In a case you are not ready for extra spends, it’s better to be sure the sources are free. It’s very important to start writing your essay only after developing a clear understanding of what you write about and what your topic is. When you pick a topic up, don’t forget to check if it has all the features mentioned above. Great Collection of 50 Best Topics for Your Expository Essays Even if you have a clear understanding of how an expository essay topic shall sound, it may be difficult to come up with an idea about your own one. In that case, some good examples of the topics can be especially useful. We’ve chosen 50 good topics that can be used directly or can serve as examples and inspiration for creating your own one. All topics are separated into groups according to the field and theme they belong to. Personal Experience Writing about your personal experience is a great choice. First, essays of this type are easier to write. Second, you have more opportunities to make your essay sound interesting and easier for understanding. Third, you will probably spend less time, searching for additional information as the topic is already familiar to you. Often the task to write an expository essay about some personal experience is assigned in school. However, sometimes it’s given to college students too. Describe your first day of living in a new flat/house/apartment. Explain how visiting your grandparents influenced your character. Describe how your life changed when you got your pet. Describe your first week of living outside the parents’ home. Describe your best traveling experience. Explain how your first job helped you to become more independent. Describe a book that influenced your life philosophy. Explain the choice of your future profession. Explain how your favorite teacher changed your attitude to study. Describe the situation that embarrassed you most of all. Literature Literature is a very interesting subject. Reading a book or a poem different people may feel different emotions or accept the information in various ways. That’s why it’s always interesting to write your own explanations of something and then compare it to how your group mates see it. This is the reason why teachers ask their students to write an expository essay about a poem or a book that was studied recently. Define which writing methods are often used in your favorite book. Explain the role of the monologues in a poem that you read recently. Explain the factors that could influence the behavior of the main character. Explain the reasons why poetry is less popular than it was 200 years ago. Define the main features that allow recognizing the style of the author. Explain criteria that are used for evaluating books, poems, and novels. Describe how a novel shall be created. Define the common features of the popular literature of the 18th century. Describe how dialogues help to attract the attention of a reader. Describe the subtext of a story. History Almost every student faces the task of writing an expository essay on a historical topic. Knowledge of history is required almost in every scientific sphere. Moreover, historical topics are often interesting to both a writer and a target auditory.   Define the most significant changes that have happened in medicine since the beginning of the 20th century. Explain how the legal system of the USA was formed. Describe the influence of the Second World War on the world’s economy. Define the key historical figures for the development of car industries. Explain the reasons for the First World War. Define the most important reasons for the development of the civilization of Ancient Egypt. Define the key differences in the legal system of Ancient Rome comparing to other countries of the same time. Explain which factor influenced the art of the 17th century. Explain the reasons for the popularity of communism. Define important reasons of civil revolution in the USA. Social Issues Writing an essay about some social issues is a great chance to get the attention of your target auditory and to get an excellent mark. Why? The reason is the popularity of social issues and the interest they always cause. Moreover, the theme is attractive with its diversity and variety of topics connected to social issues. You can easily find something interesting and trendy to talk about. Describe the main negative changes that happened in society during the last decade. Define the key reasons of the growing rate of suicides among teenagers and young people. Explain how lessons of sexual education in schools can reduce the number of divorces in the future. Define which changes shall be made to help elderly people feel more involved in the social life. Describe how the relationship between parents and children changed in the last 50 years. Explain the main factors of unemployment growth. Describe possible means that can help young mothers to overcome post-natal depression. Explain the importance of tolerance between professional workers. Define the main social causes of bullying among school children. Explain why wearing the uniform may be important to college students. Science and Technology Writing about science or technology can be an exciting task. Topics connected to some new inventions and recent changes in the industry always cause a lot of interest and attention. If you like to write on some unique topics, you can choose many themes that are fresh and trending in the sphere of science and technology. Explain why it’s important to have some IT classes in every school. Describe the role of science development in reducing the level of pollution globally. Define the industry that causes the most negative effect on the environment. Define the ways of developing genetic engineering without braking moral norms and values. Describe how solar energy can be used. Describe the way IT technologies may change in the nearest decade. Explain why it’s important to study black holes. Describe the newest medical inventions that are aimed at solving cerebral diseases. Define the most important factors for slowing the process of global warming down. Explain the opportunities space exploration gives for solving current environmental problems.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Microsoft PLC Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Microsoft PLC Report - Essay Example After the initial success of the MS-DOS, the company released its Windows line of operating systems. The company’s products have all accomplished near-ubiquity in the market for desktop computers. Apart from this, it has been noted that Microsoft has footholds in other markets, possessing assets such as the MSN Internet portal, MSNBC cable television network, as well as the Microsoft Encarta, which is essentially a multimedia encyclopedia. The company also sells both computer hardware merchandises like that of the Microsoft mouse and even home recreational products like that of the Xbox. The company published an initial public offering (IPO) in the stock market, which, particularly because of the resultant increase of the stock price, has resulted to four billionaires and a projected 12,000 millionaires from Microsoft employees. Tracing Microsoft’s history, the company has been the up against a lot of criticism, particularly accusations of having a monopolistic business practices and even anti-competitive business methods which involves the company’s rejection to deal and tying. The U.S. Justice Department together with the European Commission has charged Microsoft for a range of antitrust infringements (US Department of Justice, 2007). Recognized for what is in general defined as a developer-centric business nature, the company has in history provided customer support over Usenet newsgroups and the World Wide Web. Even though, the company has been well acknowledge for leading the industry they are currently in, the company is also faced a with a number of economic burdens particularly in their economic position. Financial statements of the company have also revealed details determining the company’s economic position. The company has been faced with many ups and downs through the years although in some cases it was still able to manage the total return towards the end of the year. During the year 2006, the company’s

Friday, October 18, 2019

Consequences of Migration in the UK Labor Market Term Paper

Consequences of Migration in the UK Labor Market - Term Paper Example It has been determined that people have the tendency of shifting in other places, where growth or economic development can be seen. Due to a lack of work opportunity or unemployment people have over the years preferred to move in developed cities or places for working opportunity. In this regard, it has been also observed that in developed countries such as the United Kingdom (UK) and the United State of America (USA) the effect of migration can be viewed highly in labor market. It can be evidently asserted that in the modern era, it will be very difficult to identify such examples, where people rather preferred to be born, live and die under the same roof significantly.In this concerned discussion, the main aim is to highlight how migration has led to changes in the labor market of the United Kingdom. In addition, the study with a focus on reviewing pertinent literature will also emphasize how migration can affect human resource management (HRM) in an international setting.         In accordance with Bauer & Zimmermann (1999), unemployed workers’ from central and Eastern Europe (within the EU) have moved towards the UK for job opportunities. According to a report, it has been observed that the wages of the UK labor market have been higher than that of central Europe and EU labor market indeed (Bauer & Zimmermann, 1999). Over the years, it has been observed that the pressure of migration has increased significantly. At the same time, it has been also determined that the migration has not only happened in central Europe and EU but also it has been seen in different territories such as America, Africa, and Asian countries. The impact of high-level immigrants has been also seen in the political environment and economy of the United Kingdom. Due to the high amount of immigrants the UK market has been affected in a number of ways. Consequently, the labor market has become more congested and as an effect, the wages of labors have been reduced specifically. Sim ultaneously, the availability of migrant labors has led towards unemployment issues in the United Kingdom.

Retail Market in Thailand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Retail Market in Thailand - Assignment Example The Thai retail environment has distorted radically in the years since the 1997 financial crisis, which saw lots of Thai shareholders having to sell their shares to foreign-owned multinational retail operators, as well as the Thai government's policy to hold trade liberalisation in its wish to contribute in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) (David W. Raisbeck, 2003). To struggle the financial crisis, the Thai government followed trade deregulation. Thailand has since welcomed an influx of large-scale multinational hypermarket, supermarket and specialist retailers, which are eager for a share of the Thai retail market. This has raised protests from several Thai academics and traditional retailers, which have raised the "nationalist" alarm bells. Numerous Thai-owned minute and medium-sized retailers have been pushed out of business since they could not fight with the much better multinational discount stores, as some better Thai retailers have been bought out by foreign conglomerates. ... investors possess relative advantages in terms of a noise financial base, superior economies of scale, lower costs of production and superior bargaining power, due to their much larger order volumes (E.G., 2005). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) "In this increasingly open world, FDI has become an important driving force for economic globalisation". (Xinhua News Agency, 2002) It can be supposed that FDI is fine and essential for the development of Thailand. FDI is regarded as a source of power in the globalisation process that sets apart the modern world economy. The process has reduced the value of territorial boundaries and every area of the world is in single way or another engaged in the process (FAOSTAT, 2005). The region should thus raise its international share of FDI. The supposition is based on the possibly incontrovertible roles that FDI can play in the growth of the region. This justifies the anxiety about the call for and ability of the region to increase its international share of FDI inflows. FDI in Thailand Foreign direct investment has been an significant constituent of Thailand's economic development process. Given the rising meaning of industrial competitiveness in an gradually more spirited global marketplace and the possible of the association linking FDI and technological improvement, this research discover two questions opposite Thai policy makers: (i) what are the most effectual ways in which technology relocate can take place during FDI; and (ii) how can such transfers be accelerated and improved during FDI promotion policies FDI in Emerging Markets It is a reality that Thailand, like several other emerging market of this world, needs a considerable inflow of external resources so as to fill the economy and foreign exchange gaps related

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ethics of public health policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics of public health policies - Essay Example whether the government can supplant an individual decisions and choices on his health care and to what extent this intrusion is warranted or allowed. Quoting the Supreme Court’s Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling in 1905 that restraints on an individual’s liberty are necessary for the public common good, Buchanan (2008) asserts that paternalism is relied upon by public health professionals to justify policy and administration of programmes that usurp individual choice. Dworkin’s definition of paternalism as intervention in an individual decision making liberty for welfare purposes is in line with Blacksher’s (2014) finding that healthcare programmes can be enforced by reward or coercion and is intended solely for the persons good or welfare. This usurpation of decision or choice making is based on the presumptions that; the public healthcare policy is right, for instance, that vaccines will solve the problem such as the eradication of polio or diseases that individuals are compelled to be vaccinated against, and that nonintervention would harm the public. A diluted version of paternalism has been applied to causative behavior such as smoking and other lifestyle changes. According to al Amin et al (n.d.), vaccination of preteens with the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine to guard against reinfections that later cause cervical cancer was enabled by a law enabling the minors to give consent to vaccination in California. Closely related to paternalism, the utilitarian theory provides that any public health action resulting in the greatest good for the greatest number is the most reasonable cause of action (Buchanan, 2008). The utilitarian approach is commonly criticized as use of any means to achieve the public health goals. Example of this approach has been media campaigns such as drug advertisements communicating no meaningful information, but intended to shock the targeted populations towards certain directions. This theory emphasizes the needed result more

Article summary of Romer 2000 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summary of Romer 2000 - Article Example In the light of recent advances, it is deemed that time has come to re-evaluate the suitability of using the model in analyzing short-run fluctuations for the undergraduates. In addressing the shortfalls of the IS-LM model, a new theory is essential. A new model that replaces the LM curve composed with its supposition that the central bank marks the currency stream and that the bank monitors the interest rate tenet. The new model avoids the impediments that sprout with IS-LM that comprises the real against the nominal interest proportion and inflation against the value level. It makes treatment of financial policy calmer by reduction of the worth of simultaneity, and by allowing growth to subtleties that are modest and rational. The IS-LM model describes the economy by the use of two relationships; the output and the interest rate. The output is about the goods in the market. It portends that a higher interest rate decreases the demand for goods at a specific income level. It reduces the output level until the quantity of output demands equals the production quantity. It is the IS curve. The other relationship is about the currency fair. It portends that the quantity of cash needed or the liquidity requirement escalates with income and depreciates with the rate of interest (Romer, p 151). The model adopts a fixed price worth and so incapable of analyzing inflation. To include inflation analysis, aggregate supply was incorporated which birthed the present IS-LM-AS model. It added the fact that greater output translates to steeper level of price. But was this model the best suited for analyzing current short-run fluctuations. The model assumed controversially that the level of price does not change and in time to disturbances. The model is found to be unreliable and impractical. To improve this is the IS-MP-IA model. The model uses an

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Ethics of public health policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethics of public health policies - Essay Example whether the government can supplant an individual decisions and choices on his health care and to what extent this intrusion is warranted or allowed. Quoting the Supreme Court’s Jacobson v Massachusetts ruling in 1905 that restraints on an individual’s liberty are necessary for the public common good, Buchanan (2008) asserts that paternalism is relied upon by public health professionals to justify policy and administration of programmes that usurp individual choice. Dworkin’s definition of paternalism as intervention in an individual decision making liberty for welfare purposes is in line with Blacksher’s (2014) finding that healthcare programmes can be enforced by reward or coercion and is intended solely for the persons good or welfare. This usurpation of decision or choice making is based on the presumptions that; the public healthcare policy is right, for instance, that vaccines will solve the problem such as the eradication of polio or diseases that individuals are compelled to be vaccinated against, and that nonintervention would harm the public. A diluted version of paternalism has been applied to causative behavior such as smoking and other lifestyle changes. According to al Amin et al (n.d.), vaccination of preteens with the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine to guard against reinfections that later cause cervical cancer was enabled by a law enabling the minors to give consent to vaccination in California. Closely related to paternalism, the utilitarian theory provides that any public health action resulting in the greatest good for the greatest number is the most reasonable cause of action (Buchanan, 2008). The utilitarian approach is commonly criticized as use of any means to achieve the public health goals. Example of this approach has been media campaigns such as drug advertisements communicating no meaningful information, but intended to shock the targeted populations towards certain directions. This theory emphasizes the needed result more

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conscious Performance Analysis or CPA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Conscious Performance Analysis or CPA - Essay Example In fact, being a skeptic, I would say that there is plenty of evidence to support the notion that most people do not invest any time into going beyond the Wondering Operation that involves attending to what interests them and ignoring what is of no interest. Critical Operations follow for those who find CPA a useful exercise, but unfortunately, most people find interest only in superficiality of the bag of chips they are devouring while sitting on their couch in front of their big screen watching Dancing with the Stars. The popularity of such superficial and meaningless programming as well as the rising obesity rates proves this assertion, or at least makes a very strong argument in favor of the assertion. The real value in CPA comes from the fact that it can lead people out of that inattentive, lazy place into a more enlightened, more examined life that truly is worth living. Americans especially, but I am sure that it occurs in other countries too, are lazy. The effort required to perform CPA and to do so on a regular basis is much more than most people have in them. So, those who do actively seek meaning, objectivity, knowledge, truth, reality, and value, even if they do not realize that they are performing CPA, are few and far between. To me to assume that most people do want to find greater meaning in their lives seems optimistic. One would have to credit the general population with a lot more gumption than I am willing to credit them with, but only because I see the results of the general ennui of society. Nobody cares for each other and only in a genuine concern for each other can life actually have meaning. People only care about themselves and it is proven day in and day out. Take Black Friday for example. Shoppers stepped around and over a dying man and sprayed each other with pepper spray just to be first to get a cheap video game console so they can go home and resume being lazy in front of the television. These sorts of examples do not bode well fo r the future of humanity These pepper-spraying, bargain hunting people are only one kind of people, of course, and CPA does â€Å"distinguish types of subjects by the kinds of meaning they’re most interested in, the kinds of knowledge they most desire, the domains of reality they inhabit and in which they’re most comfortable, the kinds of values that concern them most† (87). Another kind of subject would be those at the other end of the spectrum, those who genuinely seek meaningful purpose in their lives through self-knowledge and self-possession. These people exhibit a basic commitment toward meaning, objectivity, knowledge, truth, reality, and value by wondering about the way they approach the events of their lives, and by critically analyzing not only the content and sequence of the events, but also their method of experiencing the events. Using CPA allows a person to experience life’s events more fully. After learning about CPA, I thought of some of t he past moments of my life and realized that some of them passed by and now I have few memories of them. For instance, I only vaguely remember my high school graduation. That is a pretty important day, but I just remember being nervous and not really wanting to walk across the stage in my clunky shoes to get my diploma. I thought for sure I was going to trip and fall. I do not remember being proud, just glad that I was finished with that portion of my life and ready to move on with the next. I do not remember any great feeling of achievement either. However, now looking back I see my high school graduation as a sign post in my life. When the principal of my school handed me that

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mother To Son Essay Example for Free

Mother To Son Essay The author, Langston Husthes, vividly showed how the African-Americans struggled and managed to live. The efforts they made to change and how much they changed their appearances were very evident in the three poems, â€Å"I am too†, â€Å"Mother to Son†, and â€Å"Negro†. The writer started the poem using a conversational tone, which easily showed its viewers that he was talking to somebody. In his poem, â€Å"Mother To Son†, the author told the story of how the African-Americans struggled to survive the harsh realities of living in a society dominated by the white people. The text included: â€Å"Life for me aint been no crystal stair. Its had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor Bare. † This specific part of the poem showed how much the African-Americans suffered from living in a society dominated by white people. The author used a lot of metaphors in the poem to illustrate his points. The â€Å"crystal stair† mentioned in the poem, contained several meanings. The crystal may be considered to be attractive, but very fragile. The use of the crystal in the poem was somehow successful in connecting a creative story with that of reality-that the crystal stair may be used as a symbol for the way of living white people had. The poem was also told from a mothers point of view. From the text, it can be perceived that the mother was a slave at the white house, serving white people. The reader is given contrasting images of how the African-Americans suffered, while the white and rich Americans ruled over society. Throughout the entire poem, the mother tried to show the readers the uneven treatment given to both races. Words, such as â€Å"and† were repeatedly used to emphasize the hardships endured during that time. The line, â€Å"And places with no carpet on the floor –Bare,† was also used to demonstrate how the white people unfairly treated the black people.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Analysis of the Psalm of Life Poem

Analysis of the Psalm of Life Poem This poem dramatizes the conflict between the truth of life lived in the moment and the neglect of the soul when a person focuses on things beyond his control: namely the past and the future. There are many themes expressed by the poet within this work: freedom, happiness, perseverance, truth, futility, spirituality and success. From the title one might say that the theme is simply to seize the day: Carpe Diem (Harmon, 2009, 87). The poems form is that of the lyric (324)and the poet encourages the reader to use their imagination. The word choices and placement within its stanza evoke both a melody and emotion. There are nine stanzas that make up the composition and each contain the qualities of the quatrain [consist of four lines in which lines two and four must rhyme while having the same number of syllables (452)]. Psalm of Life also carries the traits of the dramatic monologue in that the narrator of the work is the poet himself (177). In stanza one, line one the poet assigns the description of mournful to the idea of numbers. This word was chosen to identify the audience: those who apparently go through life as though it is a chore. The word mournful frames the feeling as though something was lost and captures the grief generated by that loss. Life is but an empty dream! states why there are so many sorrowful within the audience: if there is no aim higher than what one can gather on the earth then life itself has no purpose. The poet reveals his motivation in lines three through four of the first stanza: For the soul is dead that slumbers/And things are not what they seem. Living life in a rut or for material reasons is the killer of the soul. The soul found unawares, which is what is implied by the word use of slumbers, is most vulnerable to eternal death. Line four tells the audience that they must look beyond the surface of the world as well as beyond themselves. Life is real! Life is earnest! conveys an earnes tness and a bit of desperation. An emphatic proclamation made in a way of a Southern Baptist preacher pleading with those on the path to destruction to turn to the life of the soul. And the grave is not its goal underlines the idea that life is something to be actively engaged in and not merely a journey to death. Dust thou are, to dust thou returnest, is referencing Genesis 3:19 and seems to throw this plea for life into a light that may speak to the religious up-bringing of his audience. The poet makes a very important distinction in the following line, Was not spoken of the soul. The creation of man is entirely unique from the rest of life on the earth because the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul(Genesis 3:19). These two lines bring into the poets supplication the backing of scripture. Stanza four brings forward the thought of futility: Art is long, and Time is fleeting,/And our hearts, though stout and brave,/ Still, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to the grave. It is as though the poet wants to remind his audience that every moment, every heartbeat is bringing them closer to the inevitable end ones life-time. This further underlines the idea of seizing the day. In using the word fleeting the poet attempts to get across that time will just continue on without regard for the individual- no matter how brave and firm ones heart might be. The poet is again underlining that life today is all one really has when faced with the flow of time. Stanza five, line 18 introduces a word that is unfamiliar in todays way of life: bivouac. This word defined in Merriam-Webster as a temporary or casual shelter or lodging and by itself holds the idea of the entire poem which is that this life is temporary. This stanza evokes urgency through the use of the exclamation point. The poet is telling his audience to be the hero of their own battles rather than a pawn in the battle of another with the words Be not like the dumb, driven cattle!/ Be a hero in the strife!. Stanza six addresses the two possible positions of the audience and bring to them some very specific supplications: for those who are living for tomorrow the poet says, Trust no Future, howeer pleasant! and for those who would lament the past, Let the dead Past bury its dead!. The poet does not leave the audience wondering what their response should be but plainly states, Act, act in the living present! Heart within, and God oerhead! People can make what they will of their own lives and can follow the example of the great men that came before them, Lives of great men all remind us/We can make our lives sublime,. There is no secret that separates those who are great from those that pass through life without leaving an impression. It seems as though the poet is saying that those who are considered great took advantage of the opportunities of their present. It is those people who departing, leave behind us/Footprints on the sand of time who provide encouragement not only to their generation, but for those in the generations to come Footprints, that perhaps another,/Sailing oer lifes solemn main,/A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,/Seeing shall take heart again. The final stanza brings a soft point to the compelling argument of the previous eight. It is as though the poet it taking the hand of the audience: to pull them gently from the bed of their complacency. The hand held out shows that walking along the road of today does not mean a journey travelled alone, Let us then be up and doing,/With a heart for any fate;/Still achieving, still pursuing,/ Learn to labor and wait. The poet takes the hand of the reader now as he did during his own time and seems to say to each individual: Let us move forward together.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

How to change the oil and filter on a 1993 VW Corrao VR6 The following instructions are recommended for changing the motor oil on a 1993 Corrado with a 6-cylinder VR6 motor type. Oil changes are necessary to ensure proper lubrication for the engine during use, usually ranging from every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Over time, the oil breaks down and may cause excess wear on internal parts. The oil filter should also be changed at this time, due to any particles the filter may have caught from the old oil. Depending on your level of mechanical ability and weather conditions, this process should take about an hour or less. Please read all instructions thoroughly before attempting any maintenance. New parts: 6 quarts of oil 1 filter Tools: Floor jack Container for old oil A 6mm Allen wrench for oil filter plug 36mm socket for oil filter housing 19mm socket for drain plug on pan Socket wrench (3/8† or 1/2† is fine) Torque wrench Steps: 1. Warm up the engine by driving around for a few minutes. This will warm up the oil and will decrease the amount of time the oil needs to drain. 2. Park the ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Oreskes Climate Change

There have been plenty of disputes regarding the infamous topic global warming, despite the fact that there is a unanimous scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change. A history professor at UCSD, Naomi Oreskes, discusses this in her article, â€Å"The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change†. She begins her investigation by researching credible experts and environmental organizations, such as the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the National Academy of Sciences, and several others. By utilizing these various sources as evidence it strengthens her argument about the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change. In this case, Oreskes audience consists of the general public with a minimal education of high school, interested about climate change. This article is published in a standard science magazine thus the selected audience should have some background knowledge regarding global warming, otherwise it would be too complex to comprehend. She constructs three main dependent claims that convince readers in support of her main claim-that humans are affecting climate change. These three main dependent claims consist of a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, peer reviewed scientific journals, and concrete factual evidence from various corporation supporting her claims. As a result, it has allowed her to create a more persuasive argument, by using logic based data and credible sources with contextual knowledge on climate change. Oreskes clearly states there is a consensus among scientists about the human impacts on the climate regardless of what politicians, economists, and journalist disagree on. She professes that â€Å"[t]he scientific consensus is clearly expressed in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change† (par. 2). By stating this, the author firmly addresses which side she supports and how adamant she is about this subject. Oreskes uses a credible source such as the IPCC, who have background knowledge on global warming and whose â€Å"purpose is to evaluate the state of climate science†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (par. 2). By doing so, it furthers her argument by providing readers with valid claims from a credible source who has knowledge about the subject. This also appeals to ones ethos which proves to be helpful because it serves as a defendant for Oreskes claims. Pursuing this further, one realizes that Oreskes includes evidence from scientific journals on climate change with theories proving that humans are affecting the climate as part of her strategy to convince the readers. She asserts that there are 928 articles â€Å"published in refereed scientific journals between 1993 and 2003, and listed in the ISI database with the keywords global climate change† (par. 6). This serves to support her main claim by having tangible evidence that is published from scientists who have been studding this matter for a long time, proving her statement about anthropogenic climate change. Furthermore, all scientific journals are peer-reviewed, with exceeding analysis, in order to guarantee the articles validity. This term is implied in Oreskes article, which enhances her argument with a highly credible source. The extensive amount of effort that goes through these journals describes the accuracy within them. Her argument clearly appeals to one’s logic because of the factual data presented, thus refuting any bias rooted in her article. Additionally, the author utilizes concrete factual evidence from organizations that agree with and confirm her main claim. This strategy is executed when she states â€Å"The American Meteorological Society (6), the American Geophysical Union (7), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) all have issued statements in recent years concluding that the evidence for human modification of [the] climate is compelling. This directly establishes that various industries share the same viewpoint as the author and furthers her main claim as being accurate. She communicates to readers how many different corporations all agree that there is evidence proving that humans have modified the climate in drastic ways and still are. The content in which the author’s argument is structured is crucial to the overall effect of her article. She begins with a statement describing how some feel uncertain about climate change and more specifically the disagreement about anthropogenic climate change. Subsequently, the author proves her main claim that humans are affecting climate change with supporting evidence from credible organizations. She continues to examine her gathered evidence to reinforce her argument as factual, and not merely opinion based. Towards the end of her article, she generates an emotional tone â€Å"our grandchildren will surely blame us if they find that we understood the reality of anthropogenic climate change and failed to do anything about it†, which connects her to the audience (par. ). This advances her purpose because she then asks the readers to take action and listen to climate scientists, who have tried to make anthropogenic climate change clear to the public (par. 10). Likewise, Chris Mooney, a journalist and author who evaluated the relationship between scientists and the public, discusses the similar issue about climate change in his article, â€Å"†If Scientists Want to Educate the Public, they Should Start by Listening. He begins by gathering information generated from scientists and the public to determine why most people refuse to believe scientists on such topics as climate change, vaccination, and nuclear waste disposal. He concludes with suggestions of options that resolve this communication gap between scientist and the public. In comparison with Oreskes, he uses logical evidence from credible corporations to convey his meaning and get his point across to his intended audience, which in turn makes his argument stronger and more reasonable from a readers’ perspective. Both authors contribute different views on the same problem; one establishes a gap between the public and the scientists while the other describes human based effects on the climate. Together they both further the audiences’ understanding about climate change with two different perspectives and in return they get both sides of the story instead of pointing fault to the one they don’t agree with. Overall, one can determine from reading Oreskes’ article that humans are contributing to the temperature rise in the climate. She configures her argument around this fact, stating genuine evidence from organizations such as the IPCC and appealing to ones’ logical senses. Throughout her article, it contains supporting data from scientific journals and experts in the fields of science. The author confidently agrees that scientists have tried to persuade the public about anthropogenic climate change and â€Å"It is time for the rest of us to listen† (par. 10). Personally, I agree with Oreskes, and believe that we should take the next step forward towards a better environment. By doing so, it will create a cleaner atmosphere for us to live in and will improve ecosystems. Everything on earth is interconnected; by bettering one aspect it creates this ripple effect that betters another. When the United States begins this march towards improving global warming, others will do so as well. This is clearly represented in both articles that the first stage towards a better environment involves humans taking action.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Abraham Lincolns Assassination Essay

The destruction of a legacy In the year 1810, Abraham Lincoln was the man who had eyes for the future. He had remarkable hopes, dreams and goals he wished to accomplish for his country. He was a member of the union and was working towards freeing the slaves, and crushing the confederacy. Most of the country supported him and his goals. Yet there were still a few states that supported slavery and wanted Lincoln dead. Confederates were worries that Lincoln would take away their rights. However the confederates did not see that Lincoln was made for greatness. Unfortunately, his life was cut short by: John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln’s assassin. On April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth became the first person to assassinate an American president when he shot and killed Abraham Lincoln in his box at Ford’s Theater in Washington (Kauffman). John Wilkes Booth was a supporter of the confederacy. He was convinced Lincoln was going to destroy the constitution. So out of frustration, anger and delusion he begu n to plot his plan to assassinate president Lincoln. Booth had several failed attempts on Lincolns’ life. Luckily enough for Booth, Lincoln planed to see the play: My American Cousin, at Fords Theater. See more:  Mark Twain’s Humorous Satire in Running for Governor Essay Booth happened to be a known actor who preformed at Fords Theater so he had no problem attending the play. Because Booth was an actor he knew the details and the schedule to My American Cousin. Wilkes was able to go in to Lincoln’s booth and time the shot perfectly with the music from the play so that people attending the play would not notice. â€Å"From a distance of about four feet behind Lincoln, Booth fired a bullet into the President’s brain. Major Rathbone sprang up to grab the assassin, but Booth wrested himself away after slashing the major with a large knife. Booth rushed to the front of the box and Booth leapt over the railing, where he fractured the fibula in his left leg. Rising from the stage, Booth shouted, â€Å"Sic semper tyrannus!† and ran across the stage and fled from the back of the theatre† (Bogar). Many say that Wilkes did not work alone and some say he did, unfortunately that will never be known. â€Å"While many people assumed tha t  hidden forces were behind the assassination, others speculated that Booth had acted on his own. The reason: he wanted to immortalize himself† (Kauffman). Although back in that time period, people would often forget to check and examine every speculation of evidence, or not even have the means to investigate said evidence, so things would go overlooked. Such as John Wilkes Booth just being a small pawn in the larger scheme of Abraham Lincolns’ assassination. John Wilkes Booths’ assassination of Lincoln is said to be part of a whole conspiracy theory. When Booth began formulating a plan for Lincolns’ assassination, he recruited friends for his operation. Booth and his fellow conspirators met to plan their assassination on the president. They originally planned to abduct the president and hold him for ransom, however things did not go as planned. â€Å"When Richmond fell, the plans turned to assassination. First, there was the failed effort to blow up the White House, followed by the successful effort to kill Lincoln at the theater†(Steers). Wilkes heard the president would be attending the play My American Co usin, so Wilkes jumped on that opportunity and made a plan with his conspirators. Unlike Booth, his conspirators did not exactly support the idea of abducting the president during the play so they decided to terminate the plan. Nevertheless Wilkes when A-wall and decided to move forward with the plan, with the result being successful. â€Å"The idea that Lincoln was killed as part of a grand conspiracy of Confederates arose almost immediately after the assassination† (Steers). Confederates wanted Lincoln dead for the hope for the confederacy rising. â€Å"Lincoln was viewed as a legitimate wartime target† (Steers). Part of the theory of reason for Lincolns’ assassination are linked to the Unions failed raid on Richmond. This raid was viewed as incriminating evidence of Lincolns’ determination and will to end the war. Ending the war was what the confederacy was afraid of. The confederacy wanted to be rid of Lincoln so they could not have to conform and agree to Lincoln’s new ideas and upcoming laws. To prevent Lincoln’s ideas from becoming actions, the confederacy took matters in their own hands. Lincoln’s assassination was the end of a legacy. He died to youn g and to soon. Abraham Lincoln was betrayed by his country, being left for dead with out any peace but only the hope of his ideas and goals to be carried out my upcoming successors. His assassination was unfair and uncalled for. His country went behind his back and plotted his death because  some people were too ignorant and arrogant to see Lincolns full potential and what Lincoln could have provided for America. Who knows what Lincoln would have accomplished if his death wasn’t so early.

A Case Study of Cvp Analysis Essay

In order to compete with other milkshake shacks on the same beach of the resort, the small shake in my shack is priced at $5.00, a medium shake costs $7.00, and a large shake is priced at $10.00. My shack offers classic flavors of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla, but also caters to eclectic tastes with raspberry, mocha, Oreo shakes and many other different flavors. I use chocolate, strawberry and other flavored syrup to provide the flavor chosen by customers. The data for milkshake costs is base on the study of existing restaurants, industry reports and research on expected minimum costs to be incurred in operating the business. The cost of materials needed to make milkshakes is shown in table 1. Table 1 Variable and Fixed costs to make milkshakes Small (8oz.size)Medium (10oz.size)Large (12oz.size) Variable costs Whole milk ($15 for a 5 gallon=740oz.)2oz.2.5oz.3oz. Cream ($20 for 1 gallon = 128oz.)2oz.2.5oz.3oz. Sugar ($10 for a 15 lb.bag=30cups)1/4cups 1/2cups3/4cups Flavored syrup ($13.5 for a 96oz. bottle )0.5oz.1oz.1.5oz. Vanilla ice cream ($24 for 600oz.)6oz.8oz.10oz. Whipped cream ($2.50 for 6.5oz. can)0.15oz.0.2oz.0.25oz. Straws 5† Color Flex Straws 0.05/piece6† Color Flex Straws 0.06/piece8† Color Flex Straws 0.08/piece Cups 8oz. cups 0.4/piece10oz. cups 0.5/piece12oz.cups 0.6/piece Fixed costs Shack rental $500/mo Business insurance $600/yr Business license $25/mo Milkshake blenders $700 for 10 blenders Refrigerator/freezer $500 Shack decoration (tables, counters, chairs, umbrella) $2400 Cleaning and equipment maintenance fee $150/mo Advertising (sign, banner, flyers) $ 125/mo The total fixed costs shown in table 1 are $5075, which is the amount the owner is going to apply for a small business loan. This business loan assumes (i) a constant interest rate of 6% throughout the amortization period (2 years) and (ii) that interest payments will be made monthly for both payment types (Principal Plus Interest or Blended). For a $5075 loan amount, the monthly payment will be $224.93. The amortization table is shown in table 2 if the loan start date is Mar 2013: Table 2: Amortization Table Loan MonthYearPaymentInterestBalanceMonthYearPaymentInterestBalance Apr2013199.5525.384875.45Apr2014211.8613.072401.51 May2013200.5524.384674.90May2014212.9212.012188.59 Jun2013201.5623.374473.34Jun2014213.9910.941974.60 Jul2013202.5622.374270.78Jul2014215.069.871759.54 Aug2013203.5821.354067.20Aug2014216.138.801543.41 Sep2013204.5920.343862.61Sep2014217.217.721326.20 Oct2013205.6219.313656.99Oct2014218.36.631107.90 Nov2013206.6518.283450.34Nov2014219.395.54888.51 Dec2013207.6817.253242.66Dec2014220.494.44668.02 Jan2014208.7216.213033.94Jan2015221.593.34446.43 Feb2014209.7615.172824.18Feb2015222.72.23223.73 Mar2014210.8114.122613.37Mar2015223.731.120.00 Besides the variable and fixed costs, and the loan payment mentioned above, I also assumed two part-time employees will be hired for my shack. Each of them will receive $10/hr and work 20 hours per week. The total labor costs will be $1600 which include taxes and benefits. The other cost for the business will be the 10% gross sales that will be given to resort where shack located. 2. Analysis assumptions In order to finish the Cost-Volume-Profit analysis, several assumptions need to be made: 1)The sales prices for milkshakes in my shack are constant and competitive among other vendors. The costs of materials are assumed to be the minimum costs to be incurred in operating this business. 2)The depreciation periods for shack decoration (tables, chairs, counters, and umbrellas) are 3 years, and the depreciation periods for equipments (blenders, refrigerator and freezer) will be 5 years. 3)The business loan is a 2 years amortization loan; the monthly payment includes both principal and interest. 4)The mix of milkshakes sold will be: 30% small size, 40% medium size, and 30% large size. 3. Cost-Volume-Profit analysis 1) Break-Even Analysis The break-even point is the level of sales at which the company’s profit is zero. The formula for the unit sales to attain break-even point is: Unit sales to break even= Fixed expenses/Unit CM Based on the information of relative costs provided in part 1, we can derive the monthly fixed costs in table 3, and unit variable costs in table 4. Table 3 Fixed monthly expenses Expenses Amount Notes Shack rental$500— Business insurance $50$600/12=$50 Business license$25— Equipment depreciation (blenders, refrigerator and freezer)$20$1200/60=$20 Shack decoration depreciation (tables, chairs, counters, and umbrellas)$67$2400/36=$67 Cleaning and maintenance fee$150— Advertising (banner, sign, flyers)$125— Loan payment$224.93Table 2 Part time employees salary$1600— Total$2761.93 Table 4 Unit Variable Costs Expenses Unit priceSmall MediumLarge Whole milk$0.02/oz$0.04$0.05$0.06 Cream $0.16/oz$0.32$0.40$0.48 Sugar $0.33/cup$0.08$0.17$0.25 Flavored syrup$0.14/oz$0.07$0.14$0.21 Vanilla ice cream$0.04/oz$0.24$0.32$0.40 Whipped cream$0.38/oz$0.06$0.08$0.10 Straws —$0.05$0.06$0.08 Cups—$0.40$0.50$0.60 Total —$1.26$1.72$2.18 Knowing the monthly fixed costs and unit variable costs, we are able to calculate the Unit CM. Small (30%)Medium (40%)Large (30%) Sales price (a)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦$5*0.9=$4.5$7*0.9=$6.3$10*0.9=$9 Variable expenses per unit (b)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦$1.26$1.72$2.18 Unit CM (a-b)*percentage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦0.9721.8312.046 The weighted Unit CM for milkshakes will be 4.85 (0.972+1.831+2.046). Using the formula for the unit sales to attain break-even point, my shack will need 570 cups of milkshakes to break-even ($2761.93/4.85). Among all of the sales, 171 cups are small size, 228 cups are medium size, and 171 cups are large. If I give myself a $3000 paycheck every month, it will increase the monthly fixed income to 5761.93 dollars. Hence, I will need to sell 1188 (5761.93/4.85)cups of milkshakes to break-even. Among all of the sales, 356 cups are small size, 476 cups are medium size, and 356 cups are large. 2) The Break-Even Chart The relationships among revenue, cost, profit and volume are illustrated on a cost-volume-profit graph. A CVP graph highlights CVP relationships over wide ranges of activity. If 570 cups of milkshakes are sold, the total sales after subtracting the 10% for resort will be $3744.90 (171*5*0.9+228*7*0.9+171*10*0.9). Total variable costs will be $980.40 (1.26*171+1.72*228+2.18*171). Total fixed costs will be 2761.93, hence the profit is round up to be 0. If 1188 cups of milkshakes are sold, the total sales after subtracting the 10% for resort will be $7804.80 (356*5*0.9+476*7*0.9+356*10*0.9). Total variable costs will be $2043.36 (1.26*356+1.72*476+2.18*356). Total fixed costs will be 5761.93, hence the profit is also rounded up to be 0. From the sales and costs data above, the break-even chart with and without owner’s salary is given in chart 1. Chart 1 The break even chart From chart 1, we can see that the total sales revenue and total expense lines in both graphs are with same slopes no matter owner’s salary is included or not. The only difference in two graphs is the fixed expense line shifts up by $3000 when the owner salary is included. It also makes the intercept of total sales revenue and total expense line in the second graph shifts up by $3000. The slopes keep the same. 4. Conclusion From the CVP analysis above, I need to sell 570 cups of milkshakes in order to break-even. If I quit the job and pay myself $3000 per month to run the shack, 1188 cups of milkshakes need to be sold just to break-even. There are several factors that will affect my decision about quitting my job to open the shack. One of the greatest aspects of working for someone else is security. Running a shack might bring me more income during the tourist season, but I also need to take the risk that I will lose money when it is out of season. Working for my own business also means I need to give up some other benefits like a pension or company provided insurance. These are all the opportunity cost for leaving my job. By being a business owner, I would have to earn equal amount to make sure that money that has been lost is recovered in almost similar time frame. In order to do so, I will choose keep my current job and work part-time in the shack. Firstly, it will always make sure I have enough mone y to pay back the loan for the shack and keep business smooth even in the off season. Secondly, I can still guarantee the retirement plan for the long time, which is more financially smart. Last but not the least, by working part time in the shack, I don’t need to build in the whole pay check into fixed cost. Hence, the break-even point will be easier to reach. At the same time, as another part-time employee, I can help cut some labor cost or generate more sales revenue, in which way makes more profit for my business.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethics of Euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics of Euthanasia - Essay Example This is because it defines the extent to which institutional leaders and the political class are trusted to act with the interest of the public. This trust defines the public expectations on its government. Therefore, the public form an attitude based on the values and expectations they have from their government. A government that operates without integrity will have its citizens have a negative attitude from it and as such decline their support for any programs intended by the government or even their policies will be suspected and feared. Additionally, Trust promotes development (Frederickson, & Ghere, 2013). This is because trust in the institutions is critical for the success of most government policies, programs and other regulations that the citizens should cooperate and comply with. Governments and institutional policies are thus supposed to be made in a process that is conducive to trust. The strength of the institutions is determined but the process of policy making and as such translates to the public trust in the governments. The public trust gives the government ease of policy making and enforcement because the public attitude is good about the government and it policies. Moreover, trust is very essential all for the key economic activities especially finance (Haggard, & Tiede, 2011). Trust will ensure an increased confidence of the investors as well as that of consumers. There is need for implementation of open government policies that involve partnerships with the private sector and even the civil societies. The increased investor confidence due to this openness will result in to good investments that would translate to the overall growth of the economy. Lack of integrity on the other hand will result in to the loss of public trust in the government and its institutions. This will scare away investors, consumers will not have the confidence in the same and this will result in stagnation of economic growth. Finally, the most important