Monday, September 30, 2019

Organization Behavior and Leadership Essay

The Expectancy Theory of Motivation One of the most widely accepted theories of motivation is Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. â€Å"Expectancy theory argues that the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.† (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p.208) [i] In other words, employees will have the motivation to put forth a strong effort, if: They believe the effort will give them positive recognition. (This is called the â€Å"effort-performance† relationship.) That positive recognition must then lead to some kind of desirable reward, such as more money or an increase in status or power. (This is called the â€Å"performance-reward† relationship.) That reward must also be something that fulfills a personal goal for the employee. (This is called the â€Å"rewards-personal goals† relationship.) All three components need to be present for an individual to exert the kind of effort needed to be considered an intense motivation for action and performance of a duty or task. Let’s consider the following example: A company that produces a high quality audio products has recently introduced a new production process in an effort to help the employees meet a goal of high production standards. Supervisor A’s team of employees are not doing well with the production process. Some do not strive to master the process, those that have mastered it are not putting forth effort to reach the goals, and even top-producers don’t seem interested in achieving the goals. After speaking to some of Supervisor A’s team, Supervisor B has discovered that the following concerns are expressed by the team: Some do not feel they can be successful because they believe lack the dexterity needed to implement the process. Some feel that it is not worth the putting forth the extra effort to reach the goals because there is no difference in salary increase for those that meet the goals and those that do not. They believe that performance has to be very slow before it affects the rate of pay. They also say that when a bonus is given, after the withholdings are taken out, the bonus is so small that overtime actually is seen as better way to earn more money than trying to earn a bonus. This scenario lends itself to the perfect situation to implement the expectancy theory of motivation. The employees feel: That there is no recognition for achieving the goal. That there is no reward for achieving the goal. Since there is no recognition or reward, there is no opportunity for employees to evaluated their personal goals to see if reaching the performance goal will help to fulfill a personal goal. The company could implement the expectancy theory by enacting the following steps: Create a specific recognition for those that master process. For those that master the process bonuses can be implemented that exceed those monetary rewards that overtime would bring. Personally interview each employee to discover what their employment goals are and create a personalized plan to reach those goals, make mastering the process one of those steps needed to reach the personal goal. This plan would address all three components of the expectancy theory. However the plan should not be created as one-time policy implementation. Rather it should be tested and evaluated to discover what rewards and recognitions created the most effective levels of motivation. ——————————— [ i ]. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organization behavior. (12 ed., p. 208). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Participatory Notes †Concept Essay

Participatory notes are issued by FIIs to their unregistered clients who want to invest in the Indian equity market but do not want to meet the disclosure requirements to do so. Thus the modus operandi they opt for is to invest their money with the fund companies (FIIs), who will invest in Indian market on their behalf. The fund company is registered with SEBI in India and issues participatory notes to these investors as a proof of their investment. Participatory notes are instruments used by foreign funds not registered in the country to trade in the domestic market. SEBI’s Concern and rulings regarding these notes: Participatory Notes have always been a bone of contention for SEBI as the identity of the investors is not known. In 2003, there was a boom in the stock market mainly due to a lot of foreign funds. This also led to a lot of volatility in the Indian market because a lot of Investment was done through Participatory Notes. So in 2003, SEBI amended regulations relating to foreign institutional investors to incorporate a new 10 point code of conduct and inserted a clause seeking disclosure of information with regard to participatory notes. The code seeks compliance to good corporate governance standards and SEBI regulations. SEBI has clarified that there is no change in the rules relating to FIIs except for the strengthening of KYC Norms. They have also given a ruling which states that from Now on, The PNs can only be issued to Registered Entities. The actual investing parties must be registered with the regulator of their country of Incorporation. In addition, to facilitate the process of transition, derivative instruments already issued and outstanding against un-regulated entities will not be required to be terminated immediately. It has been decided that the said contracts will be permitted to expire or to be wound – down on maturity, or within a period of 5 years, whichever is earlier.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Study Of How TPRS Can Be Used To Learn Another Language

A Study Of How TPRS Can Be Used To Learn Another Language Using TPRS in Acquisition of Foreign Language TPR Storytelling (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) is a method of teaching foreign languages through reading and telling of stories in a classroom setting. The method was invented by a Spanish teacher by the name Blaine Ray, in Bakersfield, California, in 1990. The method of teaching foreign languages is for students who show disinterest in the exciting process of learning a language from a textbook. TPRS is a method that is more or less the same as the procedure involved when learning the first language. Students learn their second language the in the same manner babies learn their first language. By listening to the second language from a story teller, students acquire vocabularies that are helpful in leaning the second language. (Mason, 2005) TPRS is the most effective way of acquiring a second language since its invention in the 1960s. According to the method, changing from commands to the third person singular allows teachers to tell stories and that makes the procedure a long-term memory technique. One of the effective physical elements that have been so powerful in the classical TPRS is asking students to participate in acting out the parts of the characters in the stories. TPRS combines several physical response methods and language acquisition strategies, thus allowing effective teaching of grammar, reading and writing along with vocabulary. (Enciso, 2011) TPR storytelling is not complete without emphasis on reading. The whole procedure begins with an introduction of vocabulary and the complex structures that is then followed by reading. The acquisition method of foreign languages heavily relies on some hypotheses that are recommended in the reading program. The input hypothesis, acquisition hypothesis, the natural order hypothesis and the monitor hypothesis form the basis of TPR storytelling. In the method, a free voluntary reading program is recommended. Learners are encouraged not to entirely depend on the storytellers. Students ought to access books and a quiet, comfortable place to read. Additionally, the second language acquisition method involves reading to students, just as small children are read to while learning their first language for the first time. The most significant element of the TPRS program is the awareness that the focus is on students and not on books or even the story. Maintaining a good relationship with students is regarded as the foundation of a TPRS program. The pace of giving instructions to students should be entirely based upon the assessment by the teacher of how strongly students have internalized the foreign language. Other important elements in the TPRS program are the quality and quantity of the unconditional love, positive feedback, and the appreciation provided by students to their teacher. (Mhathà ºn 2008) Abstract This literature review evaluates the effectiveness of Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS) compared to other approaches for acquiring and retaining new vocabulary in a foreign language. The subjects in the review are adult learners with limited literacy and the teachers who use storytelling in teaching foreign languages in the classroom setting. Different scholarly articles are evaluated and reviewed to show the effect of TPRS and grammar translation approaches on the student vocabulary. The articles in this literature review are also a research on the assessment of students’ ability to acquire and retain foreign languages as compare to small children learning their first language. In the review, additional research is needed on how to work effectively with adult students who need to learn foreign languages under challenging circumstances. The students have complicated lives and are struggling to survive in addition to studying on how to improve their language ability. Background information In applying the powerful concept of TPRS in classroom, here is what we know: Studies with Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and Russian demonstrate that TPR is brain compatible. It means that the method may imply short and long-term retention that is striking and statistically significant across studies. Retention with TPR is comparable to riding a bicycle. Upon elapsing of years since the years have elapsed, proficiency returns after a few warm up trials. There is no age barrier in using the TPRS method of acquiring and retaining a foreign language. The method seems to work effectively for both children and adults. The only issue is that when the language training starts after puberty, the probability is almost certain that one will have at least some accent in speaking the second language, no matter how long one lives in a foreign country. It is factual that TPR works for most languages including the sign language of the deaf and the language of mathematics. In the U.S.A math education is even more challenging than foreign languages. It is evident that math education is challenging since more time is spent on remedial mathematics than all other forms of math education combined. Traditional programs and foreign languages both share a common flaw; they play to half the brain and usually, it is the wrong half. Studies show that even the adults play the game of learning another language on a level playing field. There is a widely-held belief that children have a linguistic advantage over the adults but studies contradict the opinion. Studies with the Spanish, Russian, and Japanese have it that adults consistently outperform children in acquiring skills of speaking and writing a new language. The only exception is noted when it comes to pronunciation. In a TPR class, it is the students who do the performance while the teacher is the director of the play. It is the same way that children acquire another language so quickly while living in a foreign nation. They are silent but respond to the directions from caretakers and other children hence they learn quickly. Studies at the University of Texas and other institutions indicate that the dropout rate of second language students in a traditional program can be as high as 95 percent. The studies also have it that the stunning attrition can be reversed when TPRS is a central feature of the language program. TPRS builds confidence in students hence enabling the students to experience quick understanding of a foreign language. Most importantly, TPRS is aptitude free. When TPR is applied by a skilled and talented teacher, academic aptitude becomes a negligible factor. Most people get surprised when disadvantaged children who experience difficulty in class at the traditional school enjoy success in a TPR class. The students can then feel the exhilaration of being competitive with the all â€Å"A† students. TPRS is therefore an important method of helping students acquire a foreign language since it facilitates instant understanding of the target language, regardless of the academic aptitude. It also enhances stress-free, high speed long-term retention amongst the students. Thesis Many students experience difficulty in remembering vocabulary and grammatical rules well for future retrieval. Despite teachers’ efforts to make the students remember the vocabulary and grammar, the students have not often been very successful at that. Due to the challenge of students failing to remember vocabulary and grammar, some strategies have been used over time to help solve the problem. For instance, in English classes, teachers sometimes used world maps to increase the students’ vocabulary. These efforts have not been successful in working towards better understanding of vocabulary amongst the students. Over time, learning institutions have gravitated towards the role of stories in teaching and learning foreign languages. There are many benefits that stories come with when imparting instruction and learning. For example, stories facilitate the acquisition and retention of vocabulary. (Mason, 2005) The use of stories is important in enabling teachers to explain relevant vocabulary over a short period of time. This essay reviews the importance of communication skills among immigrants who are normally employed in low-skilled jobs that do not require high levels of communication. The most effective method of acquiring a foreign language is also discussed. The use of TPRS as a method of gaining and retaining vocabulary and grammar of a foreign language is elaborated in this paper. It is very crucial to teach a foreign language to adults who entirely depend on the language for their economic gains. Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRS) works well with students who apparently do not have a strong academic background. This paper shows how possible it is for students who lack good academic background to compete competently in a TPR class with students who have experienced a proper academic background. (Enciso, 2011) The study in this paper shows the effectiveness of TPRS in acquiring and retaining new vocabulary. Annotated Bibliography Using TPRS in Acquisition of Foreign Language Mason, B. (2005). Vocabulary acquisition through storytelling. TexTESOL III Newsletter, 3-5. In this article, Mason states that vocabulary acquisition is possible from listening to stories but at the same time, listening to stories in an insufficient and an inefficient source of vocabulary. Mason informs us further that listening to stories require direct instruction as well. In the article, a study carried out by Beniko Mason attempts to confirm that listening to stories leads to the acquisition of vocabulary and also determines the efficiency of the vocabulary acquisition. In the study, two experiments are carried out; the first experiment being story-telling versus list-learning. In the first experiment that had sixty participants, all the students took part in both treatments. The storytelling treatment involved a pretest on thirty words. The participant then listened to a story of thirty words. While the teacher told the story, the students pointed at the word they thought were used in the story. In the first treatment the participants retook the vocabulary test but presented in a different order. The second treatment involved the students being urged to work together Experiment two was storytelling plus skill-building versus story-telling alone. In the experiment, the subjects were first year female Japanese female students at a junior college in Osaka. The students were not much exposed aural input in English. For the first group, the 20 target words were written on the board, the participants took a translation test, and the students listened to the story and then took a post-test on the same list of words. The other group involved the use of oral questions that used the target words. The participants also took a translation test and read the written version of the story. The story only group took the translation test twice, but the story-plus group did the whole procedure three times. Weeks later, the groups were given an unexpected follow-up test. Mason notes down his results for the study and presents the mean scores for the two groups as similar. He uses a descriptive statistics on vocabulary test where the final gain for the two groups as a result of the vocabulary test is noted. Another table showing the efficiency of both the two groups is also drawn by Mason. There was no difference in the story method and the list-learning method used in the first study. In the second story, there was also no difference in the in the efficiency in vocabulary learning between the two activities carried out. Mason indicates that the findings are consistent with the results of previous studies, an indication that listening to stories results in vocabulary development. Mason also compares the results with the comprehension hypothesis which states that language development is the result of the comprehension of messages. The goal of the study was on vocabulary development. Mason notes that the whole idea of storytelling as an effective way acquiring a foreign language is encouragement. The author of this article thus proves that stories are far more pleasant and effective than the traditional instruction. He further explains that students can gain other aspects of language from stories, as well as knowledge. In addition, Mason argues that storytelling and list ening to foreign language results leads to the acquisition of vocabularies, and endeavors to demonstrate to determine the importance of the acquisition to the learners. Almost the same research has been done before and Mason’s work is just a confirmation of the previous findings. In a nutshell there is consistency in his research. In particular the finding look to be consistent with Comprehension Hypothesis that argues that of student learning a new language comes from comprehension messages. The article is a good reader for beginners in learning second language. Mà ¡ire Mhic Mhathà ºn.(2008). Supporting Childrens Participation in Second-Language Stories in an Irish-Language Preschool. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 28(3), 299-309 This paper is a consideration of how children learning a second language were supported as active participants during the storytelling sessions in an Irish-language immersion preschool in Dublin. Mhathà ºn note that early educators view children as active participants in their own learning. The author of this article also considers how children learning a second language were supported as active participants during storytelling sessions in Dublin. We are informed that stories were chosen as the focus of enquiry since they are regarded as productive language enriching activities. In the article, a case study method of enquiry was adopted for the research project, focusing on three and four year old children in Dublin. This paper therefore proves that active participation enhances the learning of a second language among the children. The writer of the article kept the detailed observation notes of the story sessions and that allowed recording of a further thirty minutes time of interaction between the practitioners and children. In the study, there were also incidental talk and less formal interaction during the lunch-break. The cognitive and the social aspects of the language learning process are recognized in the paper since the resulting transcripts were analyzed from an interaction perspective. The analyses of such aspects of learning a foreign language are of use when determining the significance of input, the language addressed to the learner, and the modifications made by competent speakers. In the article, the practitioners provided support for the children who were learning the second language through the method of storytelling, development of language, development of a narrative and the method of organization of storytelling sessions. The methods used to support children learning their second language provide opportunities for children’s second language learning as well as facilitating children’s participation and initiatives. The methods of collecting data and their significance are outlined in the article as the views of the staff and the parents regarding the various support methods were required. The writer of the article has shown his statistical knowledge by outlining the methods which includes; use of interviews and administering of questionnaires. The formal staff interviews were significant in obtaining first hand information regarding the performance of children at the learning places. Parents too were advantaged to speak out their ideas on the performance of their children. Direct formal interviews used by the writer also provided the parents with the opportunity to give out their views on how the acquisition of the second language could be enhanced for better results. The parent questionnaire administered to parents was a way of making sure that they monitor the progress of their children when they are at home. The writer has utilized this method of obtaining data to have an idea on the level of ownership of Irish books by parents at home. Research in the study shows that the number of information books was not pleasing implying how books are not effective in acquiring a foreign language. The two methods of collecting data are utilized by the writer of the article to prove how acquiring a foreign language through storytelling is effective. The two methods of collecting data represented the efficiency of the learning methods used in the study. The information in the study illustrates the dilemmas that the immersion practitioners face in the early childhood settings. We get informed of how the children’s interests and initiatives can be facilitated when they are at the beginning stages of second language acquisition, and when an adult is the main source of input. The study carried out also enables us to get deeper understanding of the process of second language acquisition as well as the early childhood pedagogy. This article also shows how the learning of a second language by the children was appreciated. There were observations and Audio†recordings made during the story sessions for a period of six months. The staffs were also questioned and parents filled the questionnaires. The study conducted indicated that the practitioners gave the children support. Difficult decisions had to be made concerning the breadth and type of learning experiences offered when concentrating on the primarily second†language learning.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sociology of Developing Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sociology of Developing Countries - Essay Example There was an economy relative to the region, where class structure and a system of racial difference which caused the South to become unique to the rest of the nation. Historians such as James Henrietta have said that Sociology was the cause of all evil within the Developing countries South. Developing countries Sociology defined by Max Weber is "a greed forgone", and "acquisition by force, whether directly in war or in the form [of] exploitation of subjects" (Weber, The Viewpoint of Sociology of World Religions). Republicans helped Developing countries Sociology prospering by introducing tariff barriers, making it that all goods coming from abroad had to taxed heavily before entering the country, meaning that prices in the USA for those products raised so the foreign companies could still make a profit. When presented with two items of similar quality, one with ultra-inflated prices from England, and one with a cheap price from Developing countries, it's likely that a normal person would choose the cheap Developing countries home brand product. By doing this Republicans helped the idea of Developing countries Sociology to prosper. As well as being the place to make a fortune, Developing countries also signaled freedom from persecution, in whatever form in came in. People facing religious or political persecution or just plain poverty came to Developing countries to alleviate themselves from negative aspects of life. This was an important part of the Developing countries dream as it made many immigrants cross the seas to seek this liberty. On the surface Developing countries Sociology seemed to be helping the country no-end. There were several visible indications of the prosperity. Mass production meant that technological advances such as washing machines and hovers became available to many families. The inflating wages helped to fund the new streak of consumerism that swept the country, Developing countriess wages were far higher than any comparitable jobs over the world. New motor cars were popping up all over the place, thanks to Henry Ford, a figure often used to symbolize the Developing countries dream as he was so successful, and even today is a household name. A newly founded advertising industry worked its tricky magic amongst the susceptible citizens, making goods seem all the more glamorous. Easy credit helped in the purchase of the goods once a person was dedicated to enriching their life with it. For those who lived far from shops and arcades came mail order catalogues and traveling salesmen, meaning people all over Developing countries could enjoy the wonders of consumerism. Prosperity could also been seen in the low unemployment rates, helped considerably by the roaring construction industry, turning cities around Developing countries in bristling concrete porcupines. Over all this opulence was the booming stock market on Wall Street, rising to an all time high, representing all that was Developing countries Sociology, rapidly increasing from strength to strength, unfortunately building on the unsteady foundation of a dream. In 1928 the number of people living beneath the poverty line - those who do not earn enough to buy basic food, clothing and shelter- increased to an estimated 42% of Developing countr

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Current Macroeconomic Situation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Macroeconomic Situation - Research Paper Example A problem that the global recession created which the U.S economy has not been able to manage well is an explosion in the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in the U.S. traditionally used to be under 5%. The unemployment rate reached double figures in 2010 for the first time in decades. During the last few months the U.S. has gone down a bit which is a positive sign. The creation of jobs is very important for the economy because it provides much needed income to many American families. The graph below shows the movement in the U.S. unemployment rate during the past nine months. The United States population has not had any problems with inflation in recent history. Economies that suffer from inflation are problematic because inflation diminishes the purchasing power of money. A rise in inflation is also bad because it increases the cost of acquiring money from banks and lending institutions. Investors are not attracted by economies that suffer from inflationary tendencies. During 2009 and 2010 the inflation rate in the United States was a very low 0.92% and 1% (Countrywatch, 2012). A problem the U.S economy faces which affects the long term well being of its entire population is its overall deficit. The deficit of the Unites States is growing every year due to three factors. The three factors that are increasing the total debt of America are budget deficits, trade deficit, and a lack of savings. During the past 40 years the U.S has only been able to achieve a budgetary surplus five times. The deficits keep accumulating themselves year after year. The U.S also has the largest trade deficit in the world. In January 2012 the U.S economy generated $180.6 billion in exports and $233.4 billion in imports (Tradeeconomics, 2012). The end result was that the U.S. started the year by accumulating a trade deficit of $52.3 billion in January 2012. The United States fiscal policy should focus on expansionary policies. The

Municipal Government in Canada Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Municipal Government in Canada - Term Paper Example The Municipal Government in Canada includes municipalities, villages, towns and cities. Municipalities entail a variety of rural municipalities likewise to metropolitan and regional governments that cater for huge urban areas. Responsibilities and powers which the Municipal Government in Canada exercise are normally set out in a general municipal statute also called the Municipal Act, Cities and Towns Act, Local Government Act and the Municipal Act (Bens and Charles K, 1986). Municipal Governments in Canada form policies, ensure their implementation and raise revenue which forms the large portion of sources which are the real property taxes and grants from provincial governments. Municipal Governments in Canada are responsible in forming policies which run the local governments and raise of revenue sources; which acts as the local legislature. In the constitutional Act, 1982, the Municipal Governments in Canada have their powers determined by provincial governments though their perfo rmance is evaluated by electorate in normal elections. 2. Are the principles and techniques of new public management still relevant in municipal government in Canada? Principles and techniques of new public management are still significant within the municipal government in Canada as they help in provision of Education, health, social services and finance. 2.1. Education, health and social services Secondary and elementary education is offered by school boards who are the school authorities which are usually independent from the local governments. These are also responsible to their own electorate of financing, administration and standards of education. School boards usually don’t gather taxes directly and rather there is the requisition of funds from the local municipalities who collect property taxes in their jurisdiction. Bens and Charles K (1986), the commissions, agencies and special boards also regarded as the components of Municipal Governments in Canada formed to eith er administer the functions usual to several separate municipalities or offer special services are generally regarded as outside mandate of ordinary town or city government. There is a changing pattern of performance responsibility in provision of welfare and health care. Within some provinces in Canada, the health providing units operate under the local provincial control and are almost taken the entire responsibility locally. In the field of welfare, care of the aged usually referred in Canada as seniors in terms of old age pensions, has established as the federal government function since 1920s (Richard Tindal and Susan, 1992). Huge responsibilities for other welfare services have slowly been considered by provincial and federal governments after their requirement and needswent beyond what the local authorities could offer (Bens and Charles K, 1986). 2.2. Finance Municipal Governments in Canada get their entire authority from provincial legislatures hence they have the minimum au tonomy in Canadian government. This is both a weakness and strength for them. Municipal Governments in Canada are normally considered to be the most financially prudent due to their stringent balanced budget needs and debts limits positioned them on provincial governments; with latter at least allowing borrowing on capital account (Richard Tindal and Susan, 1992). In most provinces there is the commission or municipal boards elected by

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Amazon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Amazon - Research Paper Example This essay declares that technology is everywhere; it plays an important and major role in the society. It aids in the provision of powerful tools for research. It is used for knowledge transmission and enables people to learn in a much easy and efficient way. The research paper focuses on Amazon technology that is currently widely used for online shopping purposes and the way it has enhanced life. It shows whether the technology offered by Amazon can be used for a prolonged time and in an effective. Online shopping entails use of specific networks to shop for goods online. Lots of information can be found on the internet, but the credibility and reliability of information is questionable. Amazon technology involves e-book innovation, which makes reading e-books easier on other devices. Amazon uses AT&T’s 3G network which aids in bringing e-books to e-readers through their devices. Amazon ought to design solutions that are accurate and precise. This report makes a conclusion that Amazon technology has a great future in carrying out research of any kind. It changes from time to time through upgrades and researchers should be at par with the technology. For one to use the technology efficiently they must be computer literate. In this modern times, access to computers has greatly increased, becoming computer literate should not be a problem. E-readers should come up with effective ways of preventing virus attacks on the systems.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rating Your Dimensional Data Warehouse Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rating Your Dimensional Data Warehouse - Article Example While a sum total score of 0 would indicate a system completely unsupportive of a dimensional approach, a score of 20 would indicate a system that is fully supportive of a dimensional approach. The author outlays 12 of the 20 criteria in the article. Some of the criteria that pertain to the Architecture of the Data Warehouse are: Explicit Declaration, Conformed Dimensions and Facts, Dimensional Integrity, Open Aggregate Navigation, Dimensional Symmetry, Dimensional Scalability and Sparsity Tolerance, etc. Kimball explains Open Aggregate Navigation as follows: â€Å"The system uses physically stored aggregates as a way to enhance performance of common queries. These aggregates, like indexes, are chosen silently by the database if they are physically present. End users and application developers do not need to know what aggregates are available at any point in time, and applications are not required to explicitly code the name of an aggregate. All query processes accessing the data, even those from different application vendors, realize the full benefit of aggregate navigation.† (Kimball, 2000) Similarly, some of the criteria that fall under Administration category are: Graceful Modification, Dimensional Replication, Dimension Notification, Surrogate Key Administration, International Consistency, etc. Kimball explains Dimensinal Replication as follows: â€Å"The system supports the explicit replication of a conformed dimension outward from a dimension authority to all the client data marts, in such a way that we can only perform drill-across queries on data marts if they have consistent versions of the dimensions. Aggregates that are affected by changes to the content of a dimension are automatically taken offline in each client data mart until we can make them consistent with the revised dimension and the base fact table.† (Kimball, 2000) One of the impressive aspects of the article is its compact

Monday, September 23, 2019

Bank Regulation vis--vis Other Industries Essay

Bank Regulation vis--vis Other Industries - Essay Example Banks do not offer warranty or guarantee for the security of the deposits whereas the majority of other firms provide either a warranty or guarantee for the soundness of their products and services and therefore require less regulation.†¢ Banks do not offer warranty or guarantee for the security of the deposits whereas the majority of other firms provide either a warranty or guarantee for the soundness of their products and services and therefore require less regulation.†¢ As bank investments are not made quite often as compared to the habitual purchase of other goods and services, the consumer gets very little time to observe and learn.†¢ Investments once made in banks seldom offer opportunities to correct the mistakes, whereas greater chances of rectification of errors exist in the firms of other goods and services.†¢ The degree of trustworthiness in the case of banks is not easily accessible as compared to the reliability of most of the firms providing other go ods and services.†¢ Comprehensive knowledge about the soundness and risk ness of the claims offered by the banks is lacking which requires additional regulation of these financial institutions as compared to most of the firms in other industries.†¢ The value can be ascertained only after a considerable period of time and not at the very moment of accepting bank proposals. This adds to the rationale of imposing extra regulation over banks than nonfinancial goods and services where in most of the cases the value can be easily ascertained.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Genetically Engineered Foods Essay Example for Free

Genetically Engineered Foods Essay Genetically engineered or genetically modified foods are foods that are simply the result of alteration in the original genes of an organism such as a plant or an animal in order to blot out a characteristic or trait of the original organism. Because this involves the transfer of genes, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) are also known as transgenic organisms (Robert Sacerich-GMO, Genetically Modified Foods and Conspiracy Theories). GE foods can be contrasted with organic foods which are basically foods which undergo a ‘non-synthetic’ method of processing before distribution to the public. This issue holds immense global importance because it is considered to be an alternative to solving the World Hunger crisis by supplying GE foods to countries with an inadequate supply of food (Anup Shah GE Technologies will solve world hunger; Jeffrey Heit, MD-Genetically Engineered Foods ). In this paper, the relative advantages and disadvantages of distributing GE foods to the public will be discovered and weighed. The notion of GE technology being the sole alternative to solving World Hunger will also be investigated along with the prospect of using organic food instead of GE food. In the article, Is GE food safe?, Anup Shah argues that although there is a possibility the use of GE foods can be beneficial to the general public, it cannot be said that this will last forever. The importance of this dilemma is being measured by the fact that there is absolutely no scientific proof at the moment to predict the effects of these crops in the foreseeable future, though we might know a great deal about their initial benefits to health and industry. David C. Pack agrees with this point of view and states that man has tampered with the very core of our food supply as part of the continuing quest to â€Å"out-do† God. He goes on to talk about the ‘unpredictability’ of altering genes. Stating in an example that certain genes from a flounder—a fish—have been inserted into tomatoes in order to give them a longer shelf life and that splicing genetic segments of one species into the genes of another could never occur naturally, he goes on to measure the importance of this issue by comparing data from original research work that had been carried out to determine the relative advantages of ‘golden rice’ and ‘soybeans’ compared to the regular varieties available in the market (David C. Pack -Genetically Engineered Foods Why the Controversy?). Jeffrey Heit, MD, in Genetically Engineered Foods confirms that that the use of GE foods might entail a cheap and efficient industrial  system but the public might not benefit from it the way we think it will. For instance, the use of peanut genes in tomatoes might adversely affect people allergic to peanuts and tomatoes being irreplaceable ingredients in almost all kinds of curry based foods aggravate the situation. On the other hand, some authors like Amy Norton argue that Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness and, because it dampens immune system function, leaves children more vulnerable to becoming severely ill from infections. If all children in deprived areas were given enough vitamin A, up to 2.7 million deaths could be prevented each year according to statistics. Genetically engineered capsules rich in vitamin A could be provided to the children in the aforementioned deprived areas. UNICEF has a program to give young children vitamin A capsules twice a year (one capsule is good for a six-month supply of the vitamin). A range of foods naturally contain vitamin A or vitamin A precursors from liver, fish oil and eggs to spinach, carrots, mango and red peppers. But again, those foods may either be locally unavailable, depend on season, or be priced beyond what most families in developing nations can afford (Amy Norton- Genetically modified rice a good vitamin A source 14; Janice Jones- Advantages Disadvantages of Organic Foods). In another article the author, Bryan Walsh talks about the relationship between ‘humane eggs’ and the way the laying hens are brought up or bred. He hints at the possibility of there being something worse than genetic engineering at hand, which is the way animals are brought up in farms, more specifically chickens. Hence, if such a relationship exists then there seem to be more pressing matters at hand than just the apparent side-effects of GE foods (Bryan Walsh-Vital Farms: Raising the Ultra-Organic Egg). Christie Wilcox adopts a different approach by targeting some of the myths held by people in favor of organic farming as opposed to genetically engineered farming. She talks about how pesticides are used abundantly in organic farming, how organic food is not healthier than GE food and how it is not ideal for the environment; ideas that are common amongst the general public about organic food (Christie Wilcox Myth busting 101: Organic Farming Conventional Agriculture). Backing up the aspect that genetically engineered foods are unsafe and should not be distributed to the general public since their after effects have not yet been discovered, Anup Shah states in an article how worldwide polls indicate a high public demand of labeling GE food so as to  enable the public to choose their preference of food. She points out that any failure to do so implies that the public is ignorant. Is it ‘justified’ to keep the public in the dark just because we think the public is too ignorant to grasp the significance of GE food? On the other hand, is it okay to not label food as genetically engineered or not genetically engineered because of the growing apprehension that there will be competition between GE based and non GE based food companies? ( Anup Shah- Public Concerns and Protests on GE Food). While some believe that genetically engineered foods are generally regarded as safe. There has been no adequate testing, however, to ensure complete safety. There are no reports of illness or injury due to genetically engineered foods (Jeffrey Heit, MD- Genetically engineered foods). On the very other end, some people believe that genetically engineered technology is our only hope in abating the ongoing World Hunger problem. However, some people disagree. The idea that genetically engineered technologies can solve world hunger is ‘unreliable’. It might have the ‘potential’ to abet the ‘developing’ nations in fighting the food crisis but it is amongst the many other alternatives present. A significant number of people in the third world countries are unable to get food because it is expensive, not because it is unavailable. As we can see, the issue of a country’s economy is closely tied with the world hunger problem in this case (Anup Shah- GE Technologies will solve world hunger). There are various questions we need to ask ourselves if we want to determine the ‘safety’ GE food to human beings. In the event that this technology achieves its current aim, who will benefit more, people in need or the people who need more? If we are not able to predict the potential side effects of genetically engineered food, is it safe to miss this one chance to revert poverty or even world hunge r for that matter? If not, then will not taking the leap be worth it in the long run? One reason why GE technology is being given the go-ahead is that there is a lot of money and profit involved in this. Hence from a business perspective it is more favorable, for example to produce crops that can be resistant to your pesticides (so that you can apply more of them). Keeping this perspective in mind, is it moral to jeopardize the prospect of hunger free countries? Does the expression man tampering with nature also apply to scenarios in which Genetic engineering has helped the human race develop the food market? (David C. Pack-Genetically  Engineered Foods Why the Controversy? David C. Pack) The author mentions how the cross breeding of seeds needs to be prevented so as to prevent any food anomalies in the industry. Considering how different animals like cows and buffaloes are cross-bred, how justified is it to combine and merge the habits of different animals who are otherwise different in various aspects? Whereas the problem of â€Å"World Hunger† is concerned, if it cannot be solved by GE crops and is linked to poverty instead, will the eradication of poverty solve the predicament of world hunger? If hunger is an effect of poverty where poverty is a political and economic issue then politics influences how it is produced; who it is produced by and for what purposes it is produced. David C. Pack would also agree: â€Å"Even the problem of world hunger cannot be solved using this technology since the yield of GM crops is even lesser than that of natural (regular) crops† (David C. Pack -Genetically Engineered Foods Why the Controversy?). In conclusion, nothing can be said with absolute certainty about the pros and cons of using this kind of technology but what can be done in this field is research in order to determine the magnitude of change it is capable of delivering in the long run. References †¢Alexandra Sifferlin -California fails to pass genetically modified foods labeling initiative †¢Amy Norton Genetically modified rice a good vitamin A source †¢Anup Shah -Is GE Food Safe? †¢Anup Shah -GE Technologies will solve world hunger †¢Anup Shah -Public Concerns and Protests on GE Food †¢Bryan Walsh -Vital Farms: Raising the Ultra-Organic Egg

Friday, September 20, 2019

Inattentional Blindness: Cell Phone Use while Walking

Inattentional Blindness: Cell Phone Use while Walking Holly Schwartz How is walking affected by the use of cell phone created inattentional blindness? In a case study conducted on the campus of Western Washington University in 2009, cell phone use was compared to those students walking alone or in pairs, in order to compare their attention to their surrounding environments. Prior to the experiment, it was already noted that cell phone users were 21.3% more likely to weave and 29.8% more likely to change direction, then stay on a straight path across the chosen square on the campus (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). The experiment took it further by incorporating a clown on a unicycle, adorned in purple clothing, large feet, and a red nose. As the students finished crossing the square, the interviewers asked two questions of them. First, if they had noticed anything out of the ordinary (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). Second, if there had been a clown (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). In this particular study, out of those using cell phones, only 25% had actually seen the gentleman on the un icycle (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). That would mean that at least 75% of those users experienced inattentional blindness as an effect of their use of cell phones (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). During their crossing, the weaving and changing of direction, as well as their slower gait, probably led to the blindness, as their attention was not focused in one direction. In fact, individuals who have divided their cognitive needs are generally unaware of their environmental stimuli. It is theorized that cell phone use drains attentional resources, which in turn leads to inattentional blindness (Hyman, Boss, Wise, McKenzie, Caggiano, 2009). Unicycling clown [Digital image]. (2013, July 3). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from What are the effects of cell phone use while driving in reference to inattentional blindness? Most people may agree on the fact that texting on a cell phone while driving is not conducive to a safe driving experience, either for the person driving or the general public around them. What is not generally agreed upon is the talking while driving, whether hands on or hands free. In American society, there is a common belief that a person can successfully multitask, when in reality this is not a successful endeavor if that person would like to accomplish all tasks at an optimal level. The brain cannot multitask well (National safety council, 2012). In the example of driving and talking on a cell phone, vision is greatly affected. While driving, the driver gathers most of their information through visual cues. Road signs, traffic signals, and other drivers, all give information to the person driving in order to make safe driving decisions. In recent studies of cell phone use and driving, statistics have shown that at least 50% of the visual information provided to drivers while un der the influence of cell phone use, are both looked at but remain unseen (National safety council, 2012). This indicates cognitive distracted inattentional blindness occurs regularly among these users. It is contributed to an attentional withdrawal from visual information where the compensation of too much information to the brain is shown by the brains decision to to send some of that information to memory (National safety council, 2012). Since the information is not there, then the drivers are unaware that there was any information to begin with. The distracted drivers may look forward through the windshield, but their view is narrowed from the entire environment (National safety council, 2012). Understanding the distracted brain [Digital image]. (2011, June 11). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from References: Â   Hyman, I.E., Boss, M., Wise, B.M., McKenzie, K.E., Caggiano, J.M. (2009, October). Did You See the Unicycling Clown? Inattentional Blindness while Walking and Talking on a Cell Phone. Applied cognitive psychology, 24(), 597-607. doi:10.1002/acp.1638 National safety council. (2012). Understanding the distracted brain. Retrieved from

Declaration of Independence :: essays papers

Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is perhaps the most masterfully written document of Western civilization. This essay seeks to illuminate that artistry by probing the discourse microscopically at the level of the sentence, phrase, word, and syllable. By approaching the Declaration in this way, we can shed light both on its literary qualities and on its rhetorical power as a work designed to convince the American colonies they were justified in seeking to establish them as an independent nation. The introduction consists of the first paragraph a single, lengthy, periodic sentence: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Taken out of context, this sentence is general it could be used as the introduction to a declaration by anyone. Seen within its original context, however, it is a model of refinement, and suggestion that worked on several levels of meaning and allusion. This orients readers toward a favorable view of America and prepares them for the rest of the Declaration. It dignifies the Revolution as a challenge of principle. The introduction identifies the purpose of the Declaration as simply to ^declare^ to announce publicly in explicit terms the ^causes^ impelling America to leave the British Empire. Rather than presenting one side in a public controversy on which good and decent people could differ, the Declaration claims to do no more than a natural philosopher would do in reporting the causes of any physical event. The issue, it implies, is not one of interpretation, but one of observation. The most important word in the introduction is ^necessary.^ To say an act was necessary implied that it was impelled by fate or determined by the operation of foolproof natural laws. The Revolution was not merely preferable, defensible, or justifiable. It was as inescapable, as inevitable, and as unavoidable within the course of human events as the motions of the tides or the changing of the seasons within the course of natural events. The Revolution, with connotations of necessity, was particularly important because, according to the law of nations, recourse to war was lawful only when it became ^necessary.^ The notion of necessity was important that, in addition to appearing in the introduction of the Declaration, it was invoked twice more at crucial junctures in the rest of the text.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hypertext as a Medium for Writing Essay -- Exploratory Papers

Hypertext as a Medium for Writing This paper will compare and analyze theoretical ideas found in Hamlet on the Holodeck by Janet H. Murry focusing on Chapter 10 â€Å"Hamlet on the Holodeck† as it relates to hypertext as a specific medium for writing, and Writing Space by Jay David Bolter focusing on Chapter 7 â€Å"Interactive Fiction† and chapter 8 â€Å"Critical Theory in a New Writing Space† and their emphasis on digital poetry and the increased role of the reader in the reading process. The information taken from these two works will then be compared to the interactive hypertext webpage entitled â€Å"Heading South† by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) English graduate student, Cheryl Ball. In relation to hypertext, the role of the reader seems to be more interactive than that of a typical offline reading. A large amount of evidence supporting the assumption that the reader plays an increased â€Å"interactive† role in interactive or hypertext material is found in both Hamlet on the Holodeck and Writing Space. These examples show how Cheryl Ball’s poetry is easy to follow and how readers are able to play an interactive part in observing her material. As background information relating to digital poetry and the readers’ role, Janez Strevhovec, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Academy of Visual Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia states, â€Å"Today digital poetry provides us with new, provocative, and challenging, to sensitivity even testing forms of experiencing. It is a medium that can only be understood on the basis of analysis of the present world of the new media, and new perception forms, which originate in the interface culture† (Streh ovec 4). Strehovec’s description of digital poetry simply addresses that it is presented in a new-aged... ...-established outcomes or only a few to choose from. I believe using hypertext as a medium for writing can only increase the importance placed on the reading, not lesson it. The information from Bolter, Murray, and what I have gained from evaluating Ball’s web site has helped me to become better aware of different aspects of hypertext, and what I will and will not use when creating my own webpage. Works Cited Bolter, Jay David. Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext, and the Remediation of Print. Maywah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001. Murray, Janet H. Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2001. Strehovec, Janez. â€Å"Text as a Loop/On the Digital Poetry.† The University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2003. [Retrieved from the World Wide Web 15 March 2004].

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My worse experience Essay -- essays research papers

Some people have incredibly good luck. I do sometimes, but rarely. I could go on and on about all of the bad things that have happened to me, but they are not that big of a deal. There is only one occurrence that stays strong in my mind. One bright, sunny day, everything was going great, then boom, I was hit. Following this incident, many thoughts have passed through my mind. It was a confusing mess. I believe I learned something, but it has changed me in many ways also.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My boyfriend, Justin, and I made plans to take a trip to the mall and to grab a bite to eat. It was a beautiful day, but neither of us wanted to drive, so we decided to take Marta. I had no money at all, so we stopped by my job at the time to pick up my paycheck. After I was finished with that, we went by which we filled with taking pictures of each other with a disposable camera Justin had. The bus pulled up and I took Justin’s hand and proceeded to cross the street. I have not one memory of what happened after that. I awoke in a small room with my mother crying in the background. Bright lights blinded me and I could feel the blood pouring down my face, into my eye, then falling off my chin. I could not move, I just laid there feeling paralyzed and bleeding, barely conscious. A doctor hovered over me, stitching above my right eye. Then I went out again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I woke up in a dark, dank room with my mother and boyfriend beside...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Oedipus Rex Pgs. 159 †198

Oedipus Rex pgs. 159 – 198 a. Characters The major characters are Oedipus, Creon, and Tiresias. Oedipus, the king of Thebes, is completely stubborn. He doesn't want to listen to Creon or Tiresias about the truth of who he is. Creon, Oedipus's brother-in-law, is businesslike. When he brings the news from the oracle, he suggests that they should go into a more private place to talk. He also makes a lot of deals to reason with Oedipus's rage towards him. Tiresias, the blind prophet, is secretive. He doesn't tell Oedipus his knowledge at first, keeping the truth away from Oedipus. . Events The first event is when Oedipus and the priest are talking. I think this event is included because it signifies how much the city relies on Oedipus. Since he stopped the plague once, they believe he can stop it again, which shows their faith in their king. When Tiresias is trying to tell Oedipus that he is the cause of the plague, Oedipus snaps back, not believing a single word. I think this sho ws that Oedipus really doesn't know how his past connects to the present problems. Also, we get a better insight on Oedipus as a person. . COG Blindness is a big idea throughout the reading. Tiresias is literally blind in his eyes, which allows him to â€Å"feel all the more what sickness haunts [their] city,† (l. 342 – 343). Oedipus is also blind. Not literally blind like Tiresias, but mentally blind to â€Å"the corruption of [his] life,† (471). Truth is another big idea in this section. Throughout this reading, the characters are constantly trying to tell the truth apart from the lies. Oedipus doesn't think that Creon and Tiresias are being truthful with the prophecy.Oedipus doesn't seem to know the truth about his real parents, which is causing him to deny the truth of the prophecy that Creon and Tiresias bring. d. Chorus The chorus is a summary of what happened. Also, the chorus is like the voice of the audience. Near the end of the reading, when the chorus comes in, the chorus and Oedipus seem to have a conversation. The chorus is also trying to convince Oedipus to stop this outrage towards Creon. That reflects the feelings of the audience because we, the audience, feel sympathy for Creon. e. Observation and inferenceObservation: Oedipus: â€Å"I'll rid us of this corruption. / Whoever killed the king may decide to kill me too,† (157 – 158). Inference: Oedipus doesn't make any connection between him saving the city and the story that Creon tells. To save Thebes, Oedipus solved the Sphinx's riddle and in Creon's story, the Sphinx was the one who told them to forget about the mystery of the death of the king. Oedipus tells Creon that this killer â€Å"may decide to kill [him] too,† (158). This proves that Oedipus has no idea that he is involved in the mystery.

Monday, September 16, 2019


Today anyone that watches professional wrestling knows that it is sport mixed with entertainment. Over the years the sport has become popular worldwide but nowhere more than North America, Europe, and Japan. All the way into the 1920s professional wrestling was very much considered a sport that was real. It was after the 1920s that professional wrestling became associated with what we call fakery, which in other words is theatricals or admitting to fake outcomes. For a while it seemed that because of fakery, competition became low key and its popularity took a deep fall.It was hard for promoters to stand up for a sport that was admittedly not real. There was actually a bigger fight in the back rooms of professional wrestling, where the hosts and promoters wouldn't admit the fakery while all the sponsors knew exactly what was going on. (Professional Wrestling) In today's professional wrestling no one denies the fact that wrestling has predetermined matches, but they also do a great jo b of keeping the outcome a secret. In the 1950s the television opened a lot of doors for a lot of opportunities and professional wrestling was no exception .It was at this point that the face of professional wrestling was changed forever. Now it was being run to adapt to television and its growing viewers. Characters and story lines were being built bigger and better. Pro wrestling has been a form of entertainment for a very long time, and has seen its share of ups and downs, but the storylines that have been used in the WWF have become legendary and something similar to the soap opera of the sporting world. Wrestling began in the early days as a hot television product.Over time, they lost their spot on the air, and became highly regional in nature. Each area of the country had their own â€Å"stable† of wrestlers, and their own championships. Professional wrestling carried on for many years just gaining popularity until 1980 when professional wrestling blew up like nobody wo uld have ever thought. In the 1980’s, a time known as the 1980s â€Å"wrestling boom† represented professional wrestling's greatest period of televised entertainment, reaching widespread popularity among American youth, as well as producing some of its most spectacular characters.In comparison to the declining support of media outlets during the 1960s and 1970s, professional wrestling, notably the emerging World Wrestling Federation, received great exposure through its reappearance on network television. The WWF expanded nationally through the acquisition of talent from competing promotions and, because it was the only company to air televised wrestling nationally; it became the same with the industry, monopolizing the industry and the fan base.The WWF's owner Vince McMahon revolutionized the sport by coining the term â€Å"sports entertainment† to describe his on-screen product, downplaying the still claimed athletic competition in favor of entertaining viewers as well as enhancing its appeal to children. Most notable was the muscular Hulk Hogan, who marked the 1980s with his â€Å"all-American† persona. His sheer size, colorful character, and extravagance made his main events into excellent ratings draws. By 1984, Hulk Hogan's legions of fans and his dominant role in the industry were termed â€Å"Hulkamania. With â€Å"Hulkamania running wild Vince McMahon decided to have a super bowl of wrestling called â€Å"WrestleMania† in 1985. By WrestleMania 3 in 1987, over 93,000 fans showed up for the event. (The McMahons: Vince and Family) On April 1, 1990 WrestleMania VI took place and is recognized as the end of the 1980’s â€Å"wrestling boom†. The event saw the last wrestling appearance of the legendary Andre the Giant, who had become barely mobile in the ring due to his real life condition.One last time Nikolai Volkoff played his standard part as the evil Soviet Russian before turning face and embracing Ameri ca, reflecting the end of the Cold War. The main event not only put the WWF's two greatest good guys against each other, but was intended as the passing of the torch from Hulk Hogan, the star of the 1980s, to The Ultimate Warrior who was extremely popular and considered Hogan's successor. Hogan's clean pin fall loss to the Ultimate Warrior signaled the end of an era.However, the Warrior did not live up to expectations and Hogan lingered on in the WWF for the next three years, winning the title three times more. The fans who were kids in the mid and late 1980's were teens by the 1990's, and many eventually grew bored with the comic book style of wrestling of the 1980's, turning their attention away from their childhood favorites such as Hulk Hogan, Junkyard Dog, and â€Å"Superfly† Jimmy Snuka in favor of newer and grittier wrestlers like The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Triple H.This started a new attitude era movi ng forward into the 90’s and Vince McMahon took center stage. As the ratings kept soaring McMahon kept getting edgier. The 90s proved to be even bigger with professional wrestling setting all kinds of records when it came to viewership, and finances earned. It seemed that the WWF were the big boys on the block. Protesters claimed that the WWF’s shows were filled with violence, obscenity, and simulated sex. McMahon claims that movies have more sex and violence, and that his shows simply reflect the world at large. The McMahons: Vince and Family) McMahon said that it was his job to entertain, and it was the parent’s job to be responsible for what their children watch.The television ratings also opened many doors in many other ways for numerous professional wrestlers. Such stars as The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin moved on from being the top guy in the business to building great movie careers. By 1998 some of the topnotch guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and B ill Goldberg from the WWF’s predecessor WCW were making over five million dollars a year. Pro Wrestling) Twenty years prior to 1998 professional wrestling wasn’t even worth five million dollars. Next, through wise business deals made by WWE owner Vince McMahon, pro wrestling became primarily run by the WWE. The World Wrestling Federation was easily the richest company, and began to completely dominate television. Their primary competition would be from the WCW, which evolved from Georgia, North Carolina, and the old NWA of the region. Billionaire Ted Turner purchased the WCW, and the Monday night wars began. The WWE had the ever popular Monday Night Raw, and WCW countered with Monday Nitro.Turner began using his cable muscle and money to lure some of the biggest stars in WWF history such as Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Bret Hart, and many others. It looked as though the WCW would overtake the WWF as the powerhouse in pro wrestling. Eventually, however, WCW was completely destroyed by poor booking, finances, and leadership. The upstart competitor was buried by the WWE, and they once again stood head and shoulders above the wrestling world. As the professional landscape of wrestling stands today, their are two major players.TNA wrestling has taken on the mantle of battling the giant WWE, though they are having less success than their WCW contemporaries. TNA may yet figure it out, but for now the WWE is the only major wrestling organization at the top. Although professional wrestling is a lot different today then it was forty years ago, greats like Gorgeous George and Lou Thesz during the mid 1900’s paved the way for today’s wrestlers to be on television. George and Lou wrestled, and they were glorified as being modern day gladiators who went to war with their enemy.They were seen as a superhero or a role model to kids. Today’s wrestlers although still considered super heroes to kids, now play a different role in being a role model for children. Now being a professional wrestler is like being a rock star. You travel all around the world, you’re seen on television on a weekly basis, and now you even get paid like a rock star. WWE programming is now beamed to 120 countries and translated into 11 languages. (Professional Wrestling) Wrestling today is so different from the traditional roots of professional wrestling, but maybe in a good way.The wrestling world has evolved in a way were the WWE’s show Monday Night Raw is now the longest running show in television history. Vince McMahon, whether you love him or hate him, he must be doing something right to be known as the man who took professional wrestling into the twenty first century.Work Cited Gerdes, Louise I. Professional Wrestling. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2002. Print. Greenberg, Keith Elliot. Pro Wrestling: from Carnivals to Cable TV. Minneapolis, MN: LernerSports, 2000. Print. Kaelberer, Angie Peterson. The McMahons: Vince McMahon and Famil y. Mankato, MN: Capstone High-Interest, 2004. Print.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marcus Ang Is A Member From The Field Sales Section Essay

Marcus Ang is a member from the field sales section. His sales performance in the recent months has been below target in contrast to his outstanding sales in the past years. Marcus blames it on the poor economic situation, however the other sales staff seem to able meet their target. How should Madam May May attribute Marcus’s performance? First of all, Madam May May has to know about what happened to Marcus. What causes him to blame the poor economic situation while the other sales staff still be able to meet their target. As we learn from the organization behavior, we know that employee’s behavior will affect the performance of an organization. According to Fritz Heider and H.H. Kelly, they stated that people’s behavior is affected by internal and external factors. On the other hand, Kelley’s attribution theory refers to three types of factors which are distinctiveness, consensus and consistency. Distinctiveness is about whether the subordinate’s behavior occur during the performance of this task only? Next, consensus is like whether this behavior unusual for the subordinate’s peers? Then, consistency is about if this behavior unusual for the subordinate in other situations? In this situation, Madam May May should first consider about the factor of consensus. As Marcus cannot be able to hit the target while other are able to reach their target. Next Madam May May should consider about locus of control dimension, which mean whether the primary cause of the behavior is a characteristic of the subordinate, or a characteristic of the situation. Second ,stability dimension whether the subordinate is likely to remain stable or unstable? The crossing of the locus of control and stability dimensions produces four casual factor that a leader can utilize to explain a subordinate’s behavior, ability , task difficulty , luck ,chance, effort.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Male vs female

Nowadays, management of an organization involving the male and female executives. So, gender is an issue that is often associated with managerial effectiveness in the organization setting. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of organization settings the male and female manager should know the role to be play. Moreover to be competent in the organization setting both of the male and female should have the characteristic that need in organization settings.Where both of the male and female should play the role as the monitor that they should consistently to survey the environment inside and outside the organization might be limited to information that is useful for organization setting. In playing the role of the speaker, they should give the important information to the organization. As the speaker ,they should act as the representative of the organization in giving information to the external people of the organization. Based on these roles, we can determine the performance of the both gender male and female in the organization setting.Furthermore, competency perspective limitation also can be seen through both of them implies a universal approach. Where they should not be bias or focus only on certain individual in the organization setting. Alternative combination of competency might be work Just as well as the way to measure the competency of the male and female in organization setting. In addition, assume their leadership is within the person. But, sometimes leadership is also relation with the followers . Not forgetting, competency refer to leadership performances.This should be bear on in mind for the both of them in the organization setting. According to the perspective that centered by gender, an individual will attribute with the different way. Based on their gender the previous research by Bet and Fitzgerald 1987,Henning and Jarring,1997,Olden 1985 said that female have the feminine leadership behavior which are trust and caring. Moreover, Eagle, Man ikin, Slinky 1992 also said where the male manager will use the masculine leadership that interested to authority the people under them.The difference of the gender can give the influence to how male and female attributes and their leadership style. Therefore, possible gender differences may also influence the roles played by male and female managers in the organization. Aback et al (1994) ported that female always easily to improve level in organization compared to the male manager. This is based due to the female is working more professional than male in playing their role as the manager and less involving emotional and intuition.Moreover the difference in working style for both male and female can be seen when female are more to the transformational leadership and the male are more to the transactional leadership. From the perspective of the role comparison male and female, there are no significant difference in all the role between male and female but as the role of inspired inn ovation. This is because male and female understand clearly their own role should be played by each of them in the organization setting. Male are more positive in attitude towards female in their interaction or communication.Male attitude is not influence by the number of how many times they had communication but the quality of the communication and interaction. In addition, there will be more explanation about the attitude that influence the performance of the male and female in organization setting in this research. The factor of this issues that who are more competent in the organization setting also ad been discuss in this research. Then, all the question that who are more competent? Who are better performance can be answered with the evidence to strength the point given. 2. CHARACTERISTICS AND ATTITUDES OF EMPLOYEES IN AN ORGANIZATION Employing either a man or woman should have a good character and attitude and excellent for improving productivity of an organization. Excellent worker hopes to enhance the quality of the work. Employees who have excellent not only skilled and expert in employment but also a noble character. Characteristics good employees and excellent as follows: 1) Confidently In committing some employment, confidence in the Job aspect is very important to ensure a consistent quality and high quality of employment.The confidently attitude can also convince others of the quality of work we do. If one is a manufacturer of a product, confident attitude is needed to convince other men, on the benefits of the products we produce and sell. Without a sense of confidence, an entrepreneur will not be able to build a good effort. Because if there is not a confident attitude in an employee, this will cause them to quickly feel hopeless and give up. 2) Smart in communication Communication is needed in making a decision.Leading organizations prefer to hire someone who has the skill and ability in communicating in a good and wise either by writing or sp eaking. Communication of inaccurate or inappropriate can cause many problems in a company. 3) Motivated A good employee never hesitates to take responsibility or a higher position. He is also willing to work outside working hours to meet the goal or to solve a problem, though working in the discussion is not one of constant work that is usually given. Therefore, highly motivated employee who is required to advance or the success of an organization. ) Able to work in teams A develop of organization must consist of employees that have can work as a team. Many companies consist of a team. Any company that effectively requires a team effort. Employers can contribute an ideal employee. 5) Ethical Work rules are made to be followed. There is a secret place of work should be kept. A good employee by company policy and inspire others to do the same. Attitudes of an employee in an organization as follows: 1) Honesty Honest work is painstaking work. It can produce something good with a sincer e heart. Besides that, a good employee is honest about his work.Self-criticism and be willing to accept feedback is important to be a good study. For example, a farm worker who works with wages from hand to mouth, but still work well to perform sincerely and sheer devotion to his Job is to make money for the needs of the family. 2) Genius or smart The employee an excellent and wise in use of the time and resources around him. It always uses the time of his life with the best and always improves himself either in attitudes, knowledge and skills or Job performance. Employees can make the right session in making a decision.This increases the productivity of an organization. 3) Active and Energetic Employees who have excellent have an excellent practice in safeguarding the physical health, mind and emotions. In charge of not only the physical health care nutritional quality but it is also always do exercise and get enough rest or sleep. Discretion in managing themselves and the tendency to do Just that beneficial activity makes him more disciplined, healthy, active and productive. 4) Hard work Hard work is the work we must have the nature of work or workaholic able to achieve he targets to be achieved.They can take advantage of the optimum time so sometimes it does not care about time, distance and the difficulties encountered. In their work vigorously and strive hard to achieve good results and maximum. The employee who wants to excel at work need to work hard. The entrepreneur also needs to work hard to promote products released. 5) Discipline and keep time Every boss likes to keep workers past, disciplined and meticulous. Period is money. Coming through to the officials, who did not need to take breaks, and leaving officials dilly earlier than usual adverse reputable.Competition teen males and females also occur frequently in the transaction forevermore an organization. Each party between male and female compete each other to prove that they are ahead in all as pects and have a level of competence that culminated in managing things. However, the issues of competent between men and women are note easily formulated and determine without evidence and legal studies and strong on performance between boys and girls. Evaluation to prove this issue is based on videoconferencing from a reliable source so that it does not rise to a bias in determining the contents of a decision.The female cannot say that they are more efficient in managing things, and so did the men. Generally,male and female each have their own expertise in managing any work. These are not denied when the success of in an organization is the result of hard work of male and female who are as the backbone to movement and development of an organization. Without the involvement of both the survival of an organization disable continue the operation. Labor between male and female is desirable and arguably the skills of both parties to be needed to complete the task and they are complemen tary to each other.Nowadays, household now has arisen a number of male and female shows more competence in performing tasks in an Organizational. In today large organization, as a women climb up the corporate leader, getting worse crisis. While the statistics vary slightly around the world this is consistent trend. At the lowest more than half of the worker in organization is female. At the higher level in organization, the number of woman small. At the CEO Level, worldwide there are only 3% to 4% who are women. The table below showed the statistic.This phenomenon is quite surprising because when he studied information broadly ascribes the overall success of the women have when placed in a position of leadership success is very high. It raises the question of when the analysis of the success they have in the range of functionality that is dominated by men. The study about this issue making for more than a decade at 2011 and 2012 for the overall effectiveness. Overall Effectiveness i n Leadership a) Different by Age To better understanding the differences between male and female it is instructive to look at overall effectiveness by age.For female as leader appears to change over time. As female and male begin their career there is very little perceived different. Men soon are perceived in an increasingly positive way and more effective than women. As women mature they are perceived in an increasingly positive way and more effecting than their male counterparts. At the age of 25 the efficient of male and female are no difference, starting from 26 and above until 40 years old the effective level of male increase and starting to slow after 40.But for woman, the effective level is starting to increase from the age 40 and above. B) Different by level for overall leadership effectiveness by gender by position The sue about male and female who are really competent these days in organization settings have been answered and have results on the competent between both of t hem. According to Jack Zinger and Joseph Folkway (2012) article by Harvard business review based on the research stated that between male and female, advance more women than men on the competency of the organization as a whole.Survey for 360 evaluations is the Judgment of a leader's peers, bosses and direct report with asking these individuals to rate each leader's effectiveness overall and judge based on the 16 competencies overall. N fact at every level, more women were rated by their peers, their bosses, their direct reports, and their other associates as better overall leaders than their male counterparts and the higher the level, the wider that gap grow.The table below shown the overall level of competent between male and female by the gentlefolk (2011) c) Different by top competencies top leader between male and female Based on the Zinger Folkway (2011) state that as specifically, at all levels women rated are higher in full 12 of the 16 competencies that go into outstanding l eadership. The level of impotency between male and female are different in a small scale incremental for female compared to male. From the 16 competency there are two which is; take initiative and drives for result are scored the female tend to highest degree.The competent of male in the development strategy perspective are outscores female. The table below showed the 16 competency between male and female. The sources that getting from the gentlefolk (2011). Based on the table above clearly describe the difference between male and female on the level f competencies. From the 16 competencies, 14 of them are preceding by female. It confirms that women actually scored higher than male On 12 of the 16 competencies. Male scored higher in two competencies which is technical or professional expertise and development perspective. Each reader will have a several theory why this happens.The explanation about this outcome is many women live with that necessitates them getting things done in or der to survive. In Job settings, women feel that she need to work harder that male to prove them. Some expression from female in performing his work is â€Å"we feel that constant pressure to never make mistake and to continually rove our value in organization†. That is because, at least woman don't feel their performance are safe. They're afraid to rest on their laurels and feel satisfied. Besides that, they're feeling need to take initiative they are more highly motivate to take feedback to heart.Basically, those are fundamental behaviors that derive the success of every leader whether male or female. Female and Nurturing competencies The chart above demonstrate that these competencies. Those competencies highlight that women were seen more effective in getting thing done, being role models and delivering result. The skills describe leaders who take on difficult challenges, ensure that people act with integrity and who simply achieve challenge result. According to the dilem ma on June 2014 published the one article about â€Å"women in top Job are viewed as ‘better leader' than man†.Based on the new study, women in executive positions are perceived as better leaders than men. Basically, woman in business are too sensitive or not as competent can stop them from advancing through the so- called ‘slackening. But once women has breach the barrier, these qualities actually work in her favor according to a Duke University researcher. The research published in the Journal of applied psychology, found top women executives were credited with responsibility for their success. They were viewed as both more competent and more relationship-oriented than men.Because of these, it can lead them to be perceived as more effective leaders than their male counterparts. Lead researcher, Professor Lehigh Rosette said, ‘in business environment, even if women are through to be competent they are frequently through to be not nice. But on the higher run gs of the corporate ladder, competence and niceness may have a certain level of compatibility or woman top leaders. The second study also rated female as more relationship- oriented because they expected top women to involving in a more traditionally feminizes' type of leadership, an employee focused leadership style that is increasingly viewed effective.Professor Rosette (2014) said, ‘let's face it, women are often viewed as having to work twice as hard to get half as far and successful women executives may benefit from the perception, leading to a female leader advantage. Usually we always hear the business mantra â€Å"think leader, think male† this may Egan to fade as employees and other stakeholders more begin to value those leadership skills that focus on relationship and not Just traditional leader nature that are more in line with masculinity.Results of the study, the researchers pointed out and warned that women leaders should be aware that their behavior will be different at different levels within the company due to the success of women will change the impression when they move on the corporate ladder. What cause the difference between male and female? Why female are more perceives more effective, what are we frequently heard was, â€Å"in order to get the same recognition and rewards, I need to De twice as much, never make a mistake and constantly demonstrated my competence†. The short version of what we regularly heard from woman was that â€Å"we must perform twice as well to be through half as good). The result from â€Å"practicing Self Development†, the competency measure the extent to which people ask for feedback and make changes based on the feedback. We know most people begin their career perceived more motivated to ask for feedback and take action to improve. In the analysis age for male and female. Female at age 40 maintain the habit of asking for feedback and taking action to improve. The effectiveness of men on this competency continuous to decline as they age.Male assume that they are doing fine and don't really need much feedback. 4. 0 THE ISSUES OF GENDER AND THEIR PERFORMANCE BASED ON THE CURRENT ISSUE â€Å"Women are equally important role in the company†. That has being said this recently in an article released by the Tutu's Malaysia newspaper dated November 21 , 2013. Article also discusses about the problem of gender differences in the marketability of an organization, whether private sector or public sector. According to the article, It affirms the role of women in the public and private sectors should be noted comparable male servants in order to improve an organization from all angles.Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Dates Romania Abdul Karri said the matter as women nowadays qualified great responsibility on par with the skills and experience of male employees. She added, the government is also implementing efforts to promote government-linked comp anies to appoint at least 30 per cent of female employees in the highest position and promote at least one woman on the board until 2016. Government also provides incentives to encourage provide more opportunities for staff women to advance, including tax breaks for companies as well as the provision of training and consultation. Public and private sectors are also required to eliminate gender disparities in terms of experience, competence, nations and cultures to eliminate any form of discrimination,† he said when opening the Forum of Women in Rural normal 2013, here today. Add Spiritual ministry also held a Director of women's programs that provide guidance on training curriculum including technical and soft skills to enhance the ability of women to come leaders of caliber. This year, he said, a total of 645 women attended the program, while the total 790 women signed up for the course. At the same time, 83 women have been appointed directors of public companies during the y ear,† he said. In the meantime, she urged local employers do not catch quota determined by the government to achieve the target percentage of women appointed to the board of directors. Instead, he said the appointment should be given priority to quality and competent staff who are able to assume responsibility. â€Å"Quota provided the only dude, but more importantly how far a company which entitles them to higher office,† he said.Based on the article in Tutu's Malaysia newspapers, it is clear that women should take participant in the organization sector whether public or private sector. â€Å"The competency of woman implement the Job is the main criteria†. That's the title of an article released by Tutu's Malaysia newspapers dated 24 February 2010. Article discusses the influx of female employees in the public sector, particularly high-level positions. Eightieths Gung Congress Sustain Peckers-Peckers Dalai Participated Am (Spaces), Mad Shah Mood.Zinc yesterday e xpressed concern over the dominance of women in the public service is growing. Current trends show more women appointed to the post and decide which will have long-term implications for the development and growth of the country. The condition is due to the capabilities of the woman to pass the merit system for office than men. † The situation is to some extent cause an imbalance to the number of civil servants. And has raised fears him thus he suggested that something should be done to avoid any serious difference ratio between men and women in the future.Influx of female employees in the public sector, particularly for professional positions is due to their academic achievement. Thus, women are not to blame for the amount because they are also the most dominate placement in an institution of higher learning in the country than men, As a result of the lack of male staff in the public sector cause of personnel forced women do work outside the office, and it now appears differen t when women are able to perform a variety of tasks that were once dominated by men only. Based on the source of the author at his work place is also filled with women and our administrative duties.Based on the above article it is clear that women now dominate the public sector and also the position of the highest office previously is dominated by men. This occurs is due to increasing the performance of women as being more efficient when performing tasks. According to figures available, the average employee thinks the increase of women in the public sector is not alarming contrast to their efficiency and capacity to undertake the task is the key criteria that must be well on an employee regardless of male or female.What priority is given to he work of an employee should be able to perform the duties of other quality perfectly. This is because men and women, each has advantages and disadvantages and it is a matter that can't be disputed Development and economic growth over the past f our decades have also witnessed rapid progress not only contributed by the employment of men, but also involves the role and contribution of women. On-going efforts to create gender equality (gender) saw demand for female labor force shows significant improvement (Tutu's Namely Online, 2004). For example, the success of Tan Sir Dry.Katharine Aziza was appointed as the first female Governor of Bank Engage Malaysia (BAN) to prove the belief that women are capable of performing the essential duties if they are given the opportunity to do this. Besides that, there are many more women who are successful in their career such as Tune Dry. Sadomasochist. All, Dates Sere Raffish Aziza, Denationalization Small, Dates Dry. Amazon Ottoman,Dates Dry. Northeastward and Attachment Humid. This in turn saw the women were able to compete with the men, and to contribute to the development and progress of the country.As a whole, female are developing equally read with male. Women more mature and aware of all the turmoil within and outside the country since forever women are aware that their role will still be needed for advancement. Finally, the women are Just like men that have professionals in carrying out their duties, especially in the field of management, and other organizations. In addition, many women who have made their mark in the world. Currently many women have succeeded in exploring areas that have been dominated by men.Women were actively match the performance of the men and also worked as a good decision maker in the administration of the country or company. Therefore, the greatness of women do not doubt that the success that has been created. The increase of 14. 8 percent of women working in the professional field to prove that women are able to move forward in line with the men (Tutu's Borneo Online, 2013). It is clear that women are also capable of engaging in a professional line with men. The performance also proved that women also play an important role and con tribute to the development and progress of the country today.Other than that, the Tutu's Borneo also wrote that the statistical achievements of women in Malaysia is very insistent and good and covers a variety of fields, in education, the number of women is more than male students in session 2013/2014 amounting to 68. 02 percent from 41. 573 candidates. In addition, the success of women nowadays it's because women have a higher education than men and they also have the opportunity and independent to gain knowledge (ester's Actuate Eightieths Politic Actuate Minter Narrations Abraham).Conclusions, in this modern are not surprising that women are also can involve in the field more challenging. For example, fields of politics, engineering, mechanical, and other many field ventured by male. So, caused women eave a higher education resulted in an organization are more likely to choose a female employee over the male employee. Besides that, women are also having a good attitude and charac teristic of employee between men such as discipline and keep time, hard work, ethical, and others. 5. CONCLUSION There is an issue that who are more competent in the organization setting between the male and female. Therefore this issue had been discussing by given the factors and characteristic that contributes to the issue. Employing either a man or woman should have a good character and attitude and excellent for improving productivity of n organization. Excellent worker hopes to enhance the quality of the work. Employees who have excellent not only skilled and expert in employment but also a noble character. Where the characteristic is important and needed in the organization setting.These days the issues between men and women who are really competent in the organizational settings have raises various perspective and responses among them. The competent in the organization has created a lot of perception among the public either male or female. From the research and the previous r esearch also based on the statistic or any other provided evidence, we can include that female is more competent than male in organization setting. This is based on the factor influence in the aspect of attitude and the other factors such as communication, and their performance in organization setting.Besides that, women are also having a good attitude and characteristic of employee between men such as discipline and keep time, hard work, ethical, and others. Female are more active in playing their role in the organization setting compare to the male. This happen maybe because of female give more commitment in playing their role in their organization setting. This can be seen from the aspect of their passionate in encouraging others, sharing authority and information and also more interested in managing by using skills between interpersonal relationships.This including the role likes mentor, facilitator, inspired, innovation, monitor and coordinator. Moreover, female always try to p ut in others the feeling they are also the part of the organization starting from the performance decision making and to the strategies making. Thus, clearly that proven female is more interesting and hardworking in play their role to ensure the effectiveness of the organization setting. In addition male should be more hardworking and more focus in understand and play the role in organization. Furthermore, this issue can help to inspired male to increase their performance in organization setting.